Long live the queen.
In the recent internet culture its been made very common to share a sense of humour when it comes to The Great Britan and people who are British. There are so many great things about the English as their lifestyle cannot be mimicked by anyone and trust us when we say that a lot of tried and failed to replicate the real English world. There’s a certain charm to everything related to the English and their way of life and the internet couldn’t hold itself back from looking at them through the lense of humour so with that said, we bring you 40 of the most Bristish images known to man. Here you go:
1. ”Hot Fuzz 2 Now Filming In Blackfriars.”
2. ”So I’m Strolling Through London And I Hear A Gentleman Say To Me “I Like Your T-Shirt” To Which I Say “Are You Bill Nighy”. He’s A Lovely Guy.”
3. ”H&m Championing The Escaped Dementia Patient Look.”
4. ”My Sister Has Taken Up Embroidery…”
5. ”My Little Brother Just Returned From Trick Or Treating…”
6. ”I Actually Love This. We Shouldn’t Pretend That Sex Stops After A Certain Age And/Or Surgery.”
7. ”Casual Guard Animal.”
8. ”The Royal Mail Is Trialling The Cutest Electric Van Ever.”
9. ”Paramedics Of The Great North Air Ambulance Training On Jet Suits To Reach Emergencies This Summer. Flying To A Fell In 90 Seconds Instead Of 30 Minutes On Foot, Lake District, UK.”
10. And this is what they call ”helping others”.
11. ”This Pub In Wales Has Some Incredible Photography, Taken From Its Very Own Beer Garden.”
12. ”Yesterday Morning In Lincoln. I Love This Time Of Year, When It’s Bright But Still Cool.”
13. ”Two Of My Commute Drawings. Top One Is Done On The Tube Going Into London. Bottom One Is On The Way Home After Several Pints.”
14. ”Can We Just Take A Minute To Appreciate This Accidental Cut During Bbc News Live, Back To The Newrooms?.”
15. ”View From My Desk This Morning. I Guess If The Elder God’s Have Come To Destroy The World, At Least They’re Starting With Coventry.”
16. ”Gotta Love The Royal Mail.”
17. ”Just Stumbled Across This Old Gem A Friend Of Mine Received A Few Years Back.”
18. This can’t be any more true.
19. ”Moved To England From The Us A Few Years Ago And Have Been Working On My Fry Up Game Ever Since.”
20. ”Wasn’t Expecting This At The Crossing This Morning.”
Having fun going through our list. Most of these images and their context is nothing but hilarious and we ourselves had a loud ol’chuckle while making this list. So just incase you haven’t got your appetite full yet, We suggest you scroll below for even more funny British moments:
21. ”Did This Today. Boiling Water In Flask To Cook/Keep Warm Frankfurters Till Lunch Time. Worked Way Better Than Expected. Picnic Hot Dogs.”
22. ”I’ll Do It, I Swear.”
23. This is the most British picture.
24. You can almost hear him sing.
25. This speaks for itself.
26. Does this need any explanation?
27. ”Place Your Bets. Was This The Result Of A Public Vote?”
28. ”First Time I’ve Seen Something Like This, So Cool.”
29. ”I Went To View A House Yesterday And Found This Qr Code On The Back Of A Cupboard Door. I Got Bloody Rick Rolled During A House Viewing!”
30. ”The International Symbol For I Might Have Another Sandwich”
31. The coolest tombstone ever.
32. ”My Brother In Law Received A Very British Christmas Complaint!”
33. ”Upon Passing My Driving Test I Was Stoped By A Complete Stranger From Leicester Who Offered To Buy Me A Pint In Celebration Sometimes We Few Can Be A Friendly Bunch Thanks Howard.”
34. ”Just Got My New Water Bill. Looks Like I’ll Be Showering, Drinking And Washing At The Gym.”
35. ”Spotted In Leicester Square.”
36. ”Damn It, I’m Going To Have To Spend Christmas With My Wife’s Family.”
37. ”Useless Finding Of The Day: You Can Fit Exactly Four Dark Chocolate Digestives In A Gü Pot.”
38. ”The Average Affordable UK House In 10 Years If The Market Doesn’t Change.”
39. ”A Couple Got Fined £60 After A Woman With A Knitter Tshirt Walked In A Bus Lane, Triggering The Anpr Camera And Sending A Fine To The Couples Door.”
40. ”Amazing. The Queen Waves From The Balcony Of Buckingham Palace At The Security Queue For Manchester Airport!”
And with that we conclude our list. Let us know in the comment section down below about your favourite picks and what the most Bristish you’ve ever been.