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50 Rescue Pet Pics From This Month That Will Heal Your Soul

You know what will make your day? Wholesome and adorable pet pictures. They will completely make you fall in love with them, with their cuteness and their silliness. You will definitely be in awe of all these pictures and how they are presented. What makes it even more adorable is the fact that they were all rescued, and their happiness will make you go crazy. These animals were given a second chance at life, for which they were really happy for and made them feel loved and wanted.

However, the sad reality is that around 6.3 million animals are entered into shelters every year, and about 810,000 out if 6.3 million are returned back to their owners, while 4.1 million are adopted and the rest 920,000 are euthanised. However, the sum of the animals that were euthanised annually dropped in american shelters gradually. In 2011, it was 2.6 million. National Geographic published an article that said, ‘Why animal shelters are facing a new crisis’. The most notable thing in the entire article was these lines, “many shelters helping dogs, cats, rabbits, and other pets in need have been hurt by staffing shortages—resulting in reduced operations.”

It is important to recognise the need that these animals deserve love and care, hence we should also play our part and role in it. The number can be decreased if we all put in mutual effort and take care of these dogs and cats, because trust me, they really do not need anything more than your love and support. A simple act of love can go so far, you might not even realise the impact!

1. ‘How To Adopt A Hooman’

via druule10

2. “Are Blind, 9 Year Old, Recently Adopted Boys Cute? I Sure Think So”

via WhoIsTheyAnyway

3. “My Teenager Lost Her Beloved 13-Year Old Ginger Rescue Kitty Last Year To Cancer. We Recently Adopted A 3-Year Old Creamsicle. I Think They’re Both Gonna Be Just Fine”

via AlaskaGirlinGeorgia

4. “Left Was From 5 Days Ago Before I Adopted Him. Right Was Earlier Today. I Am So Lucky I Adopted Him, He’s The Sweetest Most Caring Cat And I’m Thankful To Have Him”

via audreybrookee

5. “Adopted My Boy And My Cat Finally Accepted Him. Can You Tell That He’s Happy?”

via SewerWolf666

6. “Friend Asked If I Could Adopt A Stray, But My Dog Ended Up Doing The Adopting”

via Wambo_Jambo

7. “Drove Five Hours To Adopt This Sweet Girl, Mocha. She Was Saved From Being Thrown Out Of A Moving Car. She Is The Most Gentle And Affectionate Little Girl And Will Be So Loved!”

via somebodyimpressme

8. “This Is Hank. He A Stray I’m Caring For. He Slept Where My Husky Used To Sleep And Gave Me The Same Look My Husky Had, And I Think He’s Gonna Be Mine Now”

via orange_picture

9. “In A Span Of Two Days We Adopted This Baby And Got Engaged”

via 42069Nicebro

10. “Today We Adopted This Gorgeous Little Hedgehog”

via the_real_fhqwhgads

11. “My New Cat’s Reaction To Her Forever Home”

via we-are-the-foxes

12. “Our 2 Newly Adopted Kittens”

via djaylange

13. “I Still Can’t Believe I Was Lucky Enough To Be The One To Adopt Her”

via DonSmo

14. “Adopted A Pupper, She Mlems When She’s Asleep”

via svrstati0b

15. “Just Adopted A 13 Week Old Kitten, And His Big Brother (3 Year Old Golden) Is Taking His New Role Very Seriously”

via SteRaeSal

16. “My Newly Adopted Boy Angus Looking Quite Dapper!”

via TotoroTortoise

17. “Poe & Kylo First Day Of Kylo’s Adoption vs. One Week After Adoption”

via peanutbuttervraptor

18. “Myself (Middle) My Brother (Left) And My Best Friend (Right) With Our Puppy Siblings We Just Adopted”

via snmnc123

19. “Katara – Purebred Mutt, Rescued And Adopted In Montreal. Of Course, We’re The Lucky Ones”

via Saint_Bond

20. “I Just Adopted This Senior Lady! She’s The First Cat I’ve Ever Had And She’s Also The Sweetest One I’ve Ever Known. Senior Cat Appreciation!”

via Soup_God_

21. “This Old Boy Thinks We Adopted The New Kitten Just For Him”

via hiimaunicorn

22. “Originally Was Going To Adopt 2 Of These Guys. Turns Out Three Times The Charm. We Got All The Siblings Together! They’re Super Close And We Didn’t Want To Leave The Sister Out”

via NoLongerARedditor

23. “Just Adopted These Two Sweet Brothers. Our 2.5 Year Old Son Chose The Names… Meet T-Rex And Cardboard”

via patallcats

24. “Adopted These Two, Meeting Them On Thursday For The First Time”

via nattarbox

25. “Adopted My First Void This Week, Isn’t She A Beaut?”

via brass_butt0ns

It is important to understand that animal shelter and its care is not an individual task, but should be a top priority for everyone in the community involved. It should not be catered to as a task but more like a responsibility. However, certain problems do arise. “Staffing shortages have been a challenge for [us] as well,” Sarah Bhimani, Internal Communications and Content Producer at Animal Humane Society told. “We’re still able to provide care and services for animals and our community; our staffing challenges have placed additional stress on our existing teams.” Moreover, to address the issue of the fewer staff, Sarah Bhimani said, “They’ve had to decrease the number of veterinary appointments and surrender appointments we can offer the community each day, and we’ve had to decrease the number of animals we’re transporting from partners in other parts of the country to our shelters in Minnesota. We’re prioritizing the needs of local animals first. Right now, the current wait time for non-emergency surrender appointments may be as long as eight weeks.” This becomes extremely problematic and difficult.

However, this is not the only issue. There are several other problems that were brought forward such as, “Another issue is the lack of low-cost vet care options for our communities. Animal Humane Society vet centres are currently booking out three to four weeks in advance and when released, available appointments are booked within minutes.” Furthermore, more problems were discussed and brought to light. “Another issue is a lack of foster families willing to take large dogs,” Bhimani added. “At AHS, we have lots of families who regularly foster cats, small dogs, and critters (rabbits, guinea pigs, etc), but it’s a lot harder to find people who are able to open their homes to a large dog foster that’s recovering from surgery, requires medication, etc.”

Sarah Bhimani in her interview kept pushing and encouraging people to not only adopt the pets for the sake of the cause but also to, “Help your local animal shelter promote their open positions, whether that’s by sharing employment opportunities with your friends and family, or using your social media to amplify posts from your local shelter,”. Moreover, she added, “Animal shelters are also always in need of donations, whether they’re financial or in supplies. If you have a pet, be sure to plan ahead for preventative vet care and schedule your appointment months in advance. And always be kind to veterinary and animal shelter staff — their work is physically and emotionally difficult! Being patient and saying thank you goes a long way.” She kept telling the people to make their contribution because it really is everyone’s responsibility and not a one man’s job!

26. “I’m So Glad We Adopted Them Together”

via growup_andblowaway

27. “Meet Aspen. Just Adopted Her And She’s An Absolute Sweetheart”

via AlanaAraya

28. “This Is Beowulf. Turns Out Beowulf Is Actually A Girl And Now Needs A New Name. Any Ideas?”

via wcollins260

29. “Went To Adopt One Cat, Came Out With Bonded Sisters”

via Lifeofsage

30. “Adopted Him Today, He Loves Cuddling”

via justBreathing__

31. “Recently Adopted These Two Dingleberries. They’re Not Related But Get Along Quite Well”

via yuribotcake

32. “Doctor Doom Enjoying Her First Nap In Her Forever Home After Her Stint At The Shelter”

via Pliosaurs

33. ” My Feral Baby I Adopted From My Backyard”

via SnooaLipa

34. “Just Adopted Her And I Think She’s Fitting Right In”

via platypuspenile

35. “We Adopted This Lil Guy Yesterday & He Gives Me The Warmest Fuzzies. Home At Last!”

via freezings

36. “Adopted Her On Sunday From A Hectic Household. This Is Us After An Hour In Her Forever Home”

via Leilavdm

37. “This Is Henry, The Newest Member Of Our Family”

via DisasterScoutMaster

38. “Look At This Perfect Little Bean I Just Adopted”

via laney_belle

39. “Found This Little Girl On The Street And We Are Adopting Her. Her Hair Is All Matted And She Has Some Skin Issues And I Look Forward To Posting Her Transformation Pictures. Does She Look Like A Jenny Or Millie?”

via blakey1414

40. “Adopted A Kitten Today! Her Name Is Loki, She Is Super Scared, But Too Cute”

via Wauwaiiiiiii

41. “My Cousin Just Adopted This Little Pup. Meet Lulu!”

via dibbiluncan

42. “Just Adopted. Her Name Is Minette”

via infinitelymany

43. “Just Got Her, Need Help Finding A Name. I Like Mushroom, But My Mom Doesn’t”

via KattMann00

44. “We Adopted Nala!”

via Lestessa

45. “When We First Adopted Our Dog A Few Weeks Ago vs. Today. He A Thick Boy Now!”

via CommercialImmediate3

46. “Meet Pearl, We Just Adopted Her”

via ixinho

47. “Illegaly Smol Cat That Adopted Us Yesterday”

via chrumocka

48. “Just Adopted This Big Baby, My Very First Standard Issue Cat. He Even Came Pre-Derpped!”

via ferretherapy

49. “This Is The Fourth Stray Kitten I Find Near My House. They Keep Coming And I Keep Adopting Them. Am I Cursed?”

via microdipodops

50. “Adopted This Little Guy The Other Day, He’s A Complete Sweetheart”

via Lucybeatrice

They are literally the cutest animals ever. Imagine the hope and joy they felt after getting adopted by these amazing people. You can even see the happiness on their faces. It’s unmatchable. That is all that it takes to become a part of this, a little help goes a long way, especially for these animals who are only searching for love and their only option is you guys accepting them in your homes. It does not take a lot of effort, trust me. That is exactly what Sarah has been encouraging for the longest time and in this entire interview, she kept pressing on the issue of how this is not an individuals task, but as a nation, as a whole needs to be present and make conscious efforts to provide the animals with safety, shelter, food and love.

I honestly loved seeing all these animals genuinely beaming with happiness after they were adopted, their peaceful faces made me content. I hope you felt the same way as well. Let us know what you thought in the comment section.


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