
Dog Snaps That Will Raise Your Serotonin Levels To An All Time High

Your happiness hormone is about to fill up to the brim.

Hormones are very crucial for a human body to survive, or in simple words, you will die if you don’t have them. They all are crucial; Cortisol helps with your energy and stress, Desmopressin helps with water reabsorption so those organs stay well hydrated, and then you’ve got serotonin, a hormone responsible for your mood, your well-being, your behavior, your happiness, your joy, etc. There are many triggers in this world that raise your serotonin levels and as a result, you get really happy and joyous. One of those triggers that actually bring about an overdose of that “happiness hormone” is dog content. 

Dogs are the number one source of human happiness. Now I don’t have any empirical pieces of evidence to prove that but do I really need to prove that? Their big wide eyes, that hanging tongue, the smiley face, tail wags, zoomies, cuteness, majestical looks, I could literally go on for hours. There is nothing in a dog that cannot attract you. And this big-ass package filled with so many goodies comes for $0. Absolutely free, these amazing companions only require our undying love and trust.

And today we are taking it upon us to make you guys extremely happy, well it won’t be us who’d be doing it, we’re just the peaceful providers who want to see all humans happy and joyous. Here are 15 dog snaps to make your day brighter than ever.

Scroll down below for some wholesomeness!

1. I smelled you so I had to.


An attachment that results in happy moments is a healthy attachment.

Via @doggocom2

2. He’s just missing a cigarette.


Hide your dogs because he will steal them all from you.

Via @doggocom2

3. A garden guardian we all want.


Dave Growl is exploding with that “don’t mess with my garden” energy.

Via @doggocom2

4. Eyes full of innocence as deep as the ocean.


Those eyes can soften the hardest rock hearts.

Via @doggocom2

5. We fully understand you, little baby!


He looks so cute but the pain behind that face can be understood very well as we too feel the same way on Mondays.

Via @doggocom2

6. And probably the best addition to your family.


Just look at those paws, so cute!

Via @doggocom2

7. Yes sire, I would two if you have them.

The dog world is a whole ass drug that I want to overdose on every day.

Via @doggocom2

These dog snaps are literally making me go gaga over these adorable cuties. They all just look so innocents and I swear those captions make the whole experience so much more fun. How do you guys like it so far?

Scroll down below for some more pure joy!

8. I have never seen a more perfect picture in my life.


Via @doggocom2

9. I am sure your Serotonin levels were very hard to keep under control.

Via @doggocom2

10. A blend of innocence, excitement, and “what the heck is this sensation?”.


There is no going back once you step into snow.

Via @doggocom2

11. My heart just melted is now on the floor in liquid form.

A happy dog results in a happy human, that’s how the cycle works.

Via @doggocom2

12. Never tired of that zoomie face!


When you wish you knew dog language to fully understand the excitement of that dog.

Via @doggocom2

13. You’re gorgeous as you are, Elsa.

Via @doggocom2

14. Take a sip of water, Dad! You haven’t in 11 minutes.


A co-worker who puts you above everything and everyone.

Via @doggocom2

15. Really need to get that tan on for the party later tonight.

Via @doggocom2

I really don’t know what we would have done had God sent dogs to some other planet. Pheww!

I really hope you guys had a great time viewing these. The idea was to make you guys really happy about your day and we hope we achieved our purpose. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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