“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
It’s been almost a decade ever since the last Harry Potter movie came out and to be honest, none of us have felt the same. Of course, we have the Fantastic Beast series, but the thought that we probably won’t get to see more of the original Harry Potter kinda hits you right in the feels. But, hey that doesn’t mean we can’t relive that lovely experience over and over again. I’m sure all the potterheads rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies at least a few times each year, because that’s what I do!
To be honest, the best part about Harry Potter is that no matter how many times you watch it, it never gets old. It always brings a smile on your face. So, to refresh your memories and to give you something interesting to think about we present you 35 most shocking details from all the Harry Potter movies that you probably never noticed.
These minute details hold so much information that it’s almost overwhelming. Scroll down below and check them out!
In Deathly Hallows Part II, when it’s revealed that Harry is still alive, George excitedly turns to his right to tell Fred (where he would usually stand) only to realize that this time he isn’t there.

Snape’s first interaction with Harry was actually a secret coded message.

“One of the questions Snape asks is if Harry knows what would result in adding the powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood. Harry doesn’t know the answer, but that’s not the important part.
This is actually a coded comment that would be lost on all viewers that don’t have an extensive knowledge of Victorian-era flower symbolism. Asphodel is a lily, which means demise under the Victorian flower code, while wormwood reflects loss and absence. Snape is actually referencing Harry’s mother Lily with this comment”
“In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone (2001), You Can See A Portrait Of Anne Boleyn Hanging In The Staircase. Anne, A Wife Of Henry Viii, Was Accused Of Being A Witch, And Subsequently Executed.”

“In The Harry Potter Films, Voldemort’s Robes Faded In Colour Every Time A Horcrux Was Destroyed, To Give The Impression He Was Slowly Fading Away.”

“Harry Potter Intros Become Darker Every Year, Just Like The Movies.”

It’s probably a more obvious one, but in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” when Harry disarms Lucius Malfoy, Siruis can be heard saying “Nice one, James!” Now, it was a very happy and also a very sad moment because just when Harry was starting to finally feel happy in the company of his Godfather…Bellatrix killed him. That too, in front of Harry’s eyes.
And what was more heart-shattering was seeing Lupin jumping in and trying to control Harry. Despite just having lost his last best friend, Lupin put his emotions aside and tried his best to protect Harry because he knew it was important…
In the ending credit scene of ‘Goblet of Fire,’ there was a funny disclaimer that read “No Dragons Were Harmed In The Making Of This Movie.”

In ‘The Sorcerer’s Stone’ when Neville gets a remembrall, he can’t seem to recall what he has forgotten. However, if you look closely, you can notice that it’s probably his robe which everyone is wearing but him.

In the movies, the scarves and ties of Harry, Hermione and Ron were a reflection of their personalities.

In Sorcerer’s Stone, Hermione wore her scarf neatly, while Ron carelessly had it over his shoulders and Harry had it loosely wrapped around his neck. Similarly, when they wore ties, Hermione’s tie was always perfect and neatly tucked in, Harry’s tie was loose but still somewhat tucked in, and Ron’s was completely untied. This reflected their degree of seriousness at Hogwartz.
“In Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) Before Harry Gets Sucked Into Tom Riddles Diary, He’s In A Candle Lit Room. When He’s In The Diary, Everything Is In Black And White Yet, We Can Still See The Candle Light Flickering On His Body.”

In a scene in ‘The Sorcerer’s Stone,’ when they’re showing the Quidditch Trophy, Professor Mcgonagall’s name can be seen on it right next to James Potter.

In the starting of ‘Goblet of Fire,’ the reflection of Nagini can be seen in the Warner Bros Logo. Which is interesting because Voldemort returns in that exact same movie.

“In Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007), Harry Wears Button Down Sweaters At Da Meetings Similar To What Professor Lupin Would Wear. This Was Daniel Radcliffe’s Idea As He Thought Harry Would Want To Emulate His Favorite Dada Teacher.”

“The Title Of The Second Film In The Fantastic Beasts Franchise, “The Crimes Of Grindelwald” Contain The Deathly Hallows.”

In the background of the cafe in Deathly Hallows part I, a poster for the play “Equus” can be seen which was a real play that starred Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths.

Newt Scamander’s first appearance was surprisingly in Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, when he appeared on The Marauder’s Map.

In the scene where Snape dies in the Deathly Hallows part II, a Gryffindor Scarf can be seen hanging in the background which reflects Snape’s bravery and also backs up Dumbledore’s earlier claim from the book saying He “Sometimes Thinks They Sort Too Soon.”

In the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I, Hermione’s hair grows throughout the movie suggesting that she has been traveling with Harry and Ron in search for the Horcruxes for a long time.

In the movie Prisoner of Azkaban, a wizard (played by Stone Roses Frontman Ian Brown) can be seen sitting and reading the book “A Brief History Of Time” by Stephen Hawking.

Which is again interesting because Harry and Hermione use time travel later on in the same movie.
There was a magical version of Cheerios in Harry Potter by the name of Cheeri-owls. It was spotted in the movie “Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.”

In the movie “Half-Blood Prince” when they show Dumbledore’s earliest memory of Tom Riddle, seven stones can be seen placed on the windowsill in his bedroom which is a reference to Voldemort splitting his soul into seven Horcruxes.

“In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Snape Is Still Helping The Order Of The Phoenix When He Re-Directs Mcgonagall’s Spells To His Fellow Death Eaters.”

In the ending credit scenes of “The Sorcerer’s Stone,” the actor who played Voldemort is shown as “He Who Must Not Be Named.”

In Sorcerer’s Stone, Oliver Wood quickly loses sight of snitch soon after releasing it, while Harry effortlessly manages to follow it. This showed Harry’s natural ability as a future seeker.

In the post-credit scenes of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, they reveal the fate of the former defense against the dark arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.

Gilderoy Lockhart’s Second Wig can be seen on his desk in the movie Chamber of Secrets.

In The Deathly Hallows Part II, Lucius Malfoy’s Azkaban prisoner number can be seen tattooed on his neck.

The access code for The Ministry of Magic is 6-2-4-4-2 which corresponds to the word M-A-G-I-C.

“In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004), A Courtyard Fountain Has Statues Of An Eagle Eating A Snake. This Is A Reference To The Mexican Flag. Director Alfonso Cuaron Wanted To Pay Tribute To His Mexican Heritage.”

In The Sorcerer’s Stone, Aunt Petunia is seen dyeing Dudley’s old clothes gray for Harry’s school uniform (this was an actual scene from the book).

In The Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry’s scar burned when Quirrel had his back to him. Which basically meant Voldemort was facing Harry.

In The Chamber of Secrets, Molly Weasley’s clock had an option that read “Prison.”

The passcode to Dumbledore’s office was “Sherbet Lemon.” Which was seen later as candy in “The Half-Blood Prince.”

The Deathly Hallows symbol was spotted in “The Goblet of fire” long before the actual movie.

The bartender in “The Prizoner of Azkaban” made a bottle on the table disappear.

In The Sorcerer’s Stone, a couple of school students can be seen walking in front of the Reptile House wearing green uniform which was a reference to the Slytherin house color being green and their symbol being a snake.

So, how many of these details did you know about? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!