Artists don’t get enough respect.
I am sure we have all seen hundreds of stories where choosing beggars tell artists that they will pay them by ‘exposure’. However, most of the time these people think that artists don’t really deserve money and once the artist asks for money, they immediately become a bad artist. Why is it that everyone thinks of creative people as having hobbies but when we want to be paid, it doesn’t make sense.
I know that a lot of artists do give out their services for free but that is usually because they think that is what is expected of them which is just absurd. Exposure or likes don’t really feed anyone so I don’t understand why people think this way. That is why it is always so satisfying to see choosing beggars getting their comeuppance. These tattoo artists clearly had enough and were ready to fight back.
So that is why we have compiled some of the best conversations we could find between tattoo artists and potential customers for your viewing pleasure. Just scroll below to take a look for yourself.
#1 It seems like the customer needs to pay the inconvenience fee.

Was this person joking? If so, they are just dumb.
#2 What does an art style have anything to do with spiritual or religious ideas anyway? People can draw what they want.

I have got to say that the last comment was gorgeous and I am definitely going to use that next time.
#3 Well, if they prefer this shop, they need to pay the price.

They should have charged an inconvenience fee.
#4 The girl clearly had no self-respect.

#5 What does being a single mother have to do with anything?

If you can’t afford it, don’t get it.
#6 It is going to be inked on your body forever so it is fine to splurge.

#7 Every tattoo shop needs a rule list like this one.

#8 They are the pathetic ones for not being able to pay for it.

Do they really expect someone to work for free?
#9 It is sad that this needs to be said.

It would be common sense but apparently not.
#10 I wish we could because I would be filthy rich if this was true.

Exposure doesn’t pay the bills. It really is as simple as that.
#11 This crude drawing explains everything perfectly.

#12 Do these people know that there are a lot of products made especially made for testing?

A lot of people use pig skin as well.
#13 These people are from another planet.

#14 Artists are not any different than other people, they need to get paid. Would you ever work for free?

#15 Just sell that piece of jewelry before coming in to get a tattoo then.

#16 That sounds like a painful area to get a tattoo.

#17 If you can’t pay for it, don’t get it.

#18 Asking for pay is considered being conceited?

I don’t understand this logic at all.
#19 Why would it be free?

#20 This person clearly needs a reality check.

I have to say that the tattoos are actually quite fun and beautiful. I would not be opposed to getting one of these.
#21 How long are the artists supposed to do it for free?

#22 Asking for a discount nicely isn’t a bad thing but you have to be ready to receive a no.

After all, it is the artist’s prerogative whether they are going to give you a discount or not.
#23 This person should have never gotten a tattoo in the first place.

This dude was a walk-in and wanted a last-minute tattoo on his wrist. He seemed very friendly and grateful for being seen at such short notice. The first thing I noticed was that he was super nit-picky once the tattoo was done; going back and forth to touch up a millimeter at a time to his liking. I was fine with it, as it’s what the client wants and he’s looking at it constantly so it needs to be “perfect”. Overall he was super happy with it and we thought that was the end. Days later (when the shop is closed), he sends like 5 emails and tries to ring up several times in the span of like 10 minutes.
This pic is just the best part of the ordeal. My boss (who is the manager) talked him through it and diffused everything. Our shop minimum is $130, and we make that very clear at the start. The $100 tattoo he mentions was part of a fundraiser with set prices. Never thought I’d encounter a choosing beggar yet here we are.
#24 What is up with no cell phones?

#25 If you don’t like the price, find a different shop.

#26 It is your body though so pay for it!

#27 Is tipping necessary?

I am not sure about this one as tattoos already cost a lot so while tipping might be a nice gesture, it shouldn’t be expected but that is just one person’s opinion. If you are able to tip then I definitely think you should but not everyone can do that.
#28 I am not even going to talk about the racist statements in this post.

#29 I can only hope that they were going to pay the artists.

#30 A master artist and a free-hand design are worth a lot more than what they are willing to pay.

We all need a bit of joy after reading the disrespect so it is time for cat tax!

Is it just me or are the cats eye’s hypnotizing you as well? It feels like I am getting lost in another universe.
What are your thoughts on these conversations? What are your thoughts on tattoos being expensive? Do you think artists ask for too much? How much would you be willing to pay for a small tattoo? Or do you think it depends on the artist? Do you have any tattoos? if so, why not let us know how many in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to share these images with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.