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20 Thought-Provoking Comics That Illustrate Things We Rarely Express

Comics bring out every single emotion in a person.

Comics have been a part of us for a very long time. I remember reading comics for as long as I have attained senses. Before all the digital media took over, this was the main source of entertainment. How many of you remember reading single-panel cartoons published in the daily newspaper. I used to go through them every morning as I would get ready for school.

The reason why comics create such an immersive and joyful experience are how they trigger all the emotions in the reader. You must’ve read comics that would’ve caused you pain in the stomach from laughing so hard and on the contrary, some would’ve made you very emotional. That is what comics do, they isolate you from the stresses of the real world and give you a whole new experience. No stress at all.

Today we’ve brought you the same emotions in the face of comics by Guada Illustrate. The unique factor about Guada’s comics is that they don’t follow a single genre but make the reader feel all sorts of emotions and experiences as they go through. A complete package. And today, we have picked his work that gives you all those experiences by showing the real conditions of a man.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. It is, indeed, unheard of that no one gets offended by your opinion. Internet or real life.


2. This just puddled my mind with its depth.


3. Where is the lie?

It’s the compatibility and the characteristic that blend or shatter it.


4.  A heart shatters only to get stronger. No excuses, it is a heart after all.


5. The only key to success is to share your burden with those who trust you to share their burden.


6. The only key to break down the stress doors is to relax.


7. We find it really hard to accept these realities.

8. Past will always accumulate and carrying that much weight can dislocate the spine.


9. Guada has all the right advice for us.

10. You build your way to the throne. Always.


Oh my god! We are so blinded by the leisure of life that we are now completely oblivious of what the reality is. That is why we always learn the hard way and the consequences are far more disgusting than anything imaginable. I wish I came across Guada’s work a little earlier. These comics are so thought-provoking and a real guide to real life. Not that imaginary one where we believe everything we are doing is right until the wrong plays its part.

11. This is so insightful and is now ringing a lot of bells in my head.

12. Association and cohesion are based on compatibility. Not everyone is for you.


13. Everything is temporary, including sadness. It will all eventually go away.

14. How to win at life 101.


15. You can look but you can’t touch…unless of course the trust develops.

16. You always learn from your mistakes.


17. Know your worth, ain’t know problem grave enough to put you down. As long as the confidence is solid.

18. I am not crying, you are.


19. We need to accept the untold truths and live in reality instead of perception.

20. Thought-provoking.


Wow! I really don’t have much to say but I will say my senses are much clearer than they were before going through Guada’s comics. I love them. So good I really hope you guys had a great experience viewing these insightful comics. I am now a fan of Guada’s work.

Do share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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