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11 Tweets About Parenting That Are Hilariously Spot On

Married couples always long for babies and when they are blessed with babies, they think their family is completed. Well, you have no idea life changes upside down after babies. Your routine changes, your likes and dislikes change, your preferences change, in fact, everything changes. It’s all fun and games until your kids are babies. The moment they would turn teens; you would regret having kids.

You would try to do your best and provide them with the best parenting but your teens are going to give you a hard time. We are telling you in advance, that it is not going to be easy. They would not listen to you, do whatever they want to do, act stubborn, thoroughly check your phone, and would not even tolerate you looking at their lock screen. That’s how teenagers are. Today, we have 11 of the most hilarious parenting tweets of the week about the struggles of raising teens. Scroll down if you want to laugh a little.

1. Can you all relate?


2. Hilarious


3. I can’t stop laughing


4. Welcome to the club


5. Kids these days


Children are hard to understand. They have their own logic for everything and you cannot make them unlearn their stupid logic. They would steal your Netflix account and use it as if it is theirs and not yours. You would have to ask for it as if you are asking for something that is theirs. They would use foul language and would not care if it is appropriate or not. They would show you mood swings and get irritable on little things. Kudos to all the parents who are raising teens. You guys are the real heroes.

6. Did you unlock this parenting achievement too?


7. Relatable?

8. Hahaha


9. The people’s reaction:

10. Kids are really amazing, don’t we all agree?


11. How kids start telling a story

This one is so true, when your kids grow up and get into their teens, they don’t get excited to see you. So, better adopt a dog because your doggo will be the only person to get happy to see you. That’s a parenting tip a lot of you should follow if you guys do not want to feel unnecessary in the house. Are you a parent of teens? If yes, share your experience with us. How do you raise your teens? If any of you have any parenting tips, feel free to share them with us because we need them the most.


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