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Waitress Hits Aggressively on Woman’s Husband, Gets Fired, Woman Is Blamed

Oftentimes we strongly feel as though we’re making the right decision by acting on our judgement but as soon as someone voices their disapproval at our actions we begin to question whether our judgement was sound enough. Reddit user u/throwraWaitress109 faced a similar situation which she posted about on the /r/AmItheA$$hole subreddit, asking people for their thoughts and advice on a situation that had occurred when she, her husband, and her in-laws were out on a dinner for her husband’s birthday.

That evening, throughout the whole dinner reservation, the waitress was hitting on the woman’s husband, making the atmosphere uncomfortable. During dinner, after a bold and inappropriate statement by the waitress, the woman blatantly told her off and warned her to stop with the flirting. The waitress just smirked and walked away. So, u/throwraWaitress109 left a bad review about her on a website. Consequently, making the waitress lose her job.

Her family seems to think that she has reacted harshly and should’ve showed a more forgiving attitude to the waitress. What are your thoughts on this situation?

Then sit back relax with a hot cup of chocolate latte and have fun reading this post:

AITA for making a waitress lose her job just because she was “complimenting” the husband’s blue eyes?

Via Quinten de Graaf

This 33-year-old woman, during her husband’s birthday celebration dinner, noticed that the waitress on their table had been acting a little strange. She was described to be in her twenties. She kept lingering around their table, staring at her husband and making unnecessary and inappropriate comments at him as she walked around.

Her comments at the husband were as subtle as the woman in this gif is subtle.

Via tenor

During the meal, the waiter made some bold remarks to the husband that enraged his wife!

Via u/throwraWaitress109

“The sparkle of those eyes is igniting me!”

Later during the dinner, as the waitress was serving the drinks, she made an unbelievably bold remark at the woman’s husband and said “The sparkle in those eyes is igniting me!”. The woman was shocked at her boldness.

The waitress was on a flirting streak so passionate it almost felt as though she got her inspiration straight from Alyssa Duhle’s book.

Via adailypickupline

The woman scolded the waitress for breaching the line.

Via  u/throwraWaitress109

The woman told the waitress off for crossing over the line but the waitress paid no heed to the woman’s anger and discomfort and simply walked away with a smug-looking smirk evident on her face.

The next day, the lady left a bad review and was contacted by the manager.

Via u/throwraWaitress109

When she got home the woman was still infuriated at the audacity the waitress showed so she left a bad review on a website for the diner. When the manager of that new restaurant contacted her she explained to him what had occurred and he reassured her that the waitress had already been fired and requested her to delete the review, which the woman did. The waitress contacted her later saying that she had ruined her life and that she would probably lose her apartment as a result of losing the job. The Reddit user’s in-laws felt as though she had ruined the waitress’s life and that she didn’t deserve to be punished so harshly. Her mother-in-law even went ahead as far as to say that she must’ve felt jealous of the waitress to be acting the way she was.

Here’s what strangers have commented on the post:

Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109
Via  u/throwraWaitress109
Via u/throwraWaitress109

What’s your thought on this story? Let us know in the comments section below.


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