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Woman Splashes Water At Person She Thought Was An Employee, Gets Kicked Out Of The Hotel

Pour Water Lose Money

We have read so many stories of people approaching the wrong person for help thinking they were an employee or a worker. Well, today is going to be no different as we are going laugh at the misery of this 30-year-old woman who just did not want to agree that the person she had approached was not the employee.

Reddit user u/RisenRain shared his company had organized a party/event at a hotel ballroom and everyone was having a brilliant time. It was a fake casino event where people would do fake gambling. But things changed very quickly as OP got approached by an old woman who wanted him to refill her drink. OP simply told her that he did not work for the hotel and before he could further explain his position she refused to believe anything he said and kept telling him to get a refill. The manager of the hotel had to intervene who also told the old woman OP didn’t work for them.

Losing her control after already stepping on OP’s expensive shoes, she splashed water all over him. For this, she got kicked out of the hotel, rightfully.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down.

1. Another dramatic experience thanks to a stranger mistaking another one for an employee.


Via u/RisenRain

2. OP works for a casino party company that sets up fake gambling events for other companies.

This is a really good idea, to be honest.



Via u/RisenRain

3. One time they had an event at a hotel ballroom and everyone was dressed up just like the hotel’s staff so there existed a possibility of people mistaking the fake casino people as real employees of the hotel.


Via u/RisenRain

4. The event was going really well.


Via u/RisenRain

5. And then things take a downturn after OP gets approached by a 30-year-old woman who asked him to have her drink refilled.


Via u/RisenRain

6. OP simply told TS he doesn’t work there.

Via u/RisenRain

7. And of course, she calls OP a liar.


Via u/RisenRain

8. She is getting out of control…I would’ve smacked her involuntarily if she stepped on my shoes.

Via u/RisenRain

9. Why didn’t she just tell that real waitstaff member to get her the refill? Man, she really is too thick in the head.


Via u/RisenRain

10. The manager finally arrived at the scene.

Via u/RisenRain

Now the manager will tell her the exact same thing OP tried telling her and she will listen…no she will not calm down, that never happens…she will either storm out or do something crazy. They are all the same, man. So wrong and so predictable.

I hate such people. There was absolutely no need for this drama. The day these people learn to take no for an answer, things will sort themself out automatically.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading.

11. You guessed it, the manager told TS the exact same thing, that OP did not work at the hotel.


Via u/RisenRain

12. She did not just splash water all over OP…

Via u/RisenRain

13. As deserved, TS gets kicked out of the hotel.


Via u/RisenRain

14. TS did not go home and waited for the party to be over to get her $500 refunded from OP’s company.

Via u/RisenRain

15. OP’s boss got made aware of everything that had happened and he refused to refund TS’s money.


Via u/RisenRain

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

16. We will never know.

Via Mysticyde

17. I hope she learned her lesson…who am I kidding…


Via Delores_Herbig

18. Yeah, what is the point of creating such a fuss about it all?

Via iluvstephenhawking

19. I really liked the decision of OP’s manager to not refund TS’s $500.


Via derpotologist

20. TS would’ve accused him of considering her too soft had OP used a polite tone.

Via Canadiansnek

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via sweatingalready

Dog tax.

“I am late to work because I followed this dog for 3 blocks in the wrong direction.”


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