“Mansplaning” is somewhat still an uncommon term. It’s when a man explains something to a woman in a rather patronizing way. In simple words — It’s when guys feel the need to unnecessary explain things to women thinking they know better. It’s a mix of two words, “man” and “explaining.” When we put them together we get mansplaining. While this term may be a new one, the concept behind it is not. Women have been a victim of mansplaining since the beginning of time. Men do it so often and so casually that almost every woman has experienced it one way or the other. Mansplaining has somehow become so normal that we see every guy doing it either intentionally or unintentionally. From friends and family to politicians and celebrities, there’s barely anyone today who hasn’t mansplained something to a woman.
So, to spread awareness and to bring all the women on the same page, a Twitter User started a thread where women shared some of their worst mansplaining experiences and below we have compiled the top 40 for you.
Take a look.
#1 Like they even have the slightest clue what it feels like.
#2 Sometimes people speak from experience.
#3 Bless their delusional heart.
#4 It appears this was true in this case.
#5 But how does he know?!
#6 Maybe he just wanted to feel included.
#7 *faceplam*
#8 As if men have any say in what women should and shouldn’t do.
#9 Ah, yes. Men and their fragile ego.
#10 Apparently he was there when she got that “birthmark.”
#11 Men need to understand that it doesn’t mean what works for them will work for everyone.
#12 Since when did guys become experts on every single thing?
#13 I guess it’s inferiority complex.
#14 Wow.
#15 Now, that’s thoughtful.
The reasoning behind this despicable behavior is still a bit vague. There are tonnes of reasons why men always feel the need to show off their “knowledge” and explain something to a perfectly knowledgeable woman. Some people say, men have inferiority complex while some argue that they just want to feel included. Or, maybe this is a kind of coping-mechanism where they feel good about themselves thinking they’ve achieved something by explaining the obvious to a woman? A boost of self-esteem, if you will. But, whatever the reason may be, it can never serve as an excuse for this sh*tty behavior.
#16 Only babies can understand each other.
#17 Okay, Professor X
#18 *Smh*
#19 Why do they feel the need to open their mouth every chance they get?!
#20 No Sh*t, Sherlock.
#21 Why are they like this?
#22 Burn!
#23 In that case, we should pretend we’re working and get paid.
#24 Apparently, men have gone through it too.
#25 Chemical expert 101
#26 Driving trucks is no joke.
#27 The irony.
#28 This is hilarious.
#29 Okay, that’s very insensitive.
#30 It’s not the first time they are wrong.
#31 What the f*ck?!
#32 Oh, God.
#33 This sick mindset needs to go away.
#34 It’s a shame that people like this are sitting in such big positions.
#35 Life works in mysterious ways.
#36 Now, that’s embarrassing.
#37 Oh my!
#38 Yeah, but what would she know?
#39 They really think women can’t do anything themselves. *Smh*
#40 The fact that women can do everything on their own clearly doesn’t sit right with men.
Have you experienced this too? Share your story with us in the comments below.