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Soldier Reunites With Elderly Dog After 3 Months, Old Dog Could Not Stop Crying

No one can beat dogs when it comes to loyalty.

Hannah Foraker is a 21-year-old who owns a horse named Derby and a dog named Buddy. Buddy is a 13 y/o golden retriever who has lived all her life with her owner and best friend, Hannah. She adopted her when she was a puppy. Hannah recently joined the army and went out to Oklahoma for basic training. Hannah came back home after 3 months for Christmas break and could not wait to meet her best friend, Buddy. And, Buddy was as excited as Hannah.


Hannah’s dog is “Buddy”. She is a deaf and elderly dog.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Hannah was quite sad to leave her best friend behind.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Buddy is an elderly dog now and has arthritis. She is also deaf but nothing stops her from loving her owner and greeting her a warm welcome. The moment Hannah returned home and Buddy saw her, she ran to her, buried her head in her lap and started crying. Hannah gave her head pats and loved her. She made her rest her head in her lap. This is such a wholesome reunion of a pet and a pet owner.

Hannah came back home after 3 months.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Buddy buried her face in Hannah’s lap and started crying.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Buddy greeted Hannah with open paws.


Via: Happy Family Animals

We know soldiers are brave people and defend our country but even soldiers break down when it comes to their dogs. Even they can not hold their tears and can not stop themselves from crying. Dogs are known for their loyal nature and this video is proof. No matter, after how long do they reunite with their owners, they will show the same love, the same loyalty and affection.

Hannah was as emotional as Buddy.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Buddy rested his face in Hannah’s lap.

Via: Happy Family Animals

Hannah and Buddy’s reunion shows us there is nothing like a human-animal bond.


Via: Happy Family Animals

Dogs are not only loyal but they also provide unconditional love to their owners. People will judge you; they will forget you but your dog will never forget you. Dogs recognize their owners from the scent and nothing is more beautiful than this. Even a blind dog can easily recognize its owner. So, take care of your dogs, love them as much as you can, hug them and provide them a safe space in your home because no one is as loyal as dogs.

Buddy is a true friend anyone can have.

Via: Happy Family Animals

Here is the video clip of Buddy and Hannah’s reunion:

Video Credits: Happy Family Animals

We can really feel the emotions through this video, the way Buddy came and showed his love for Hannah even at an old age is heartwarming. This emotional video has brought tears into our eyes. What are your thoughts? Did their reunion make you emotional? If you are a pet owner, define your relationship with your pet in the comments section down below.


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