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Hilarious Cat Thieves Stopping At Nothing To Get Sweets (A Thread)

If you own a cat, you know that no matter how sluggish or courteous your cat is, he or she will occasionally go insane. It all makes sense. They continue to exist all day, every day, and it appears that they only need to expel some energy at intervals. That could manifest as zoomies in the middle of the night, or it could manifest as them being the encapsulation of pandemonium and attempting to devour your cake.


But not literally. This utter-cat-madness Tumblr thread has shown us that some cats would go insane for anything tasty and will go to any length to obtain it. So keep an eye on your tiny kitten, making sure to hide anything dangerous they might ingest, make them feel safe, and occasionally make them a lovely fish cake for not shoving your mug off the table that one time.

1. The mission of this cat today is to destroy this cake and nothing else


If you look closely, you can see the craziness in its eyes already. This is the best time of its life, and it intends to enjoy every minute of it. This cat resembles me after a terrible day, eventually finding consolation in something that is extremely harmful for my health but tastes so dang good.

Via catsbeaversandducks

2. And when she is stopped, this is her reaction


Via catsbeaversandducks

3. Really, you don’t even need to watch the footage of this incident (which is coming up) to understand how insane it was. That’s cat who wants cake and will get it no matter who it has to scratch on the way


Via catsbeaversandducks

4. Remember that cats should not eat typical sweets that we eat because they may contain dangerous substances. So, if you try this little experiment with your own fluffball, make sure the cake you serve them is homemade with cat-safe ingredients.


Via catsbeaversandducks

5. The chaotic narrative is really mind-boggling


Via catsbeaversandducks

6. The fact


Via catsbeaversandducks

7. There are people who know the vibe

Via catsbeaversandducks

8. I am crying


Via catsbeaversandducks

9. She loves the fat

Via catsbeaversandducks

10. The sheer energy and the vicious starvation is still not captured


Via catsbeaversandducks

11. I am laughing so hard at this, someone is spitting facts

Via catsbeaversandducks

12. This is true


Via catsbeaversandducks

Share your thoughts on this hungry and vicious cat’s story. Do you find it relatable? Tell us in the comment section. Keep coming back for more.


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