
Neighbors Want This Guy To Stop Walking His “Big Dog” In Shared Courtyard

Hey everyone. Let’s start by mentioning that most of you people who live in apartment buildings in the United States are aware that different pet policies apply based on where you live. Long story short, it varies. Some apartment buildings permit cats and dogs up to a specific weight, some do not permit pets, and some allow larger dogs. Dog lovers and other pet owners look for housing that can house their animals and make them feel at home.


Unluckily for one Reddit user, the pet-friendly apartment building was home to a dog-hating family who filed an official complaint against the owner’s golden retriever, Tommy, after the daughter happened to pass by him while riding her bike in the shared courtyard. Despite the fact that OP and his adorable dog Tommy did nothing wrong and caused no harm at all, this household had the guts to file an official complaint against them. We are aware that various individuals have different opinions on dogs and animals in general, but maybe the next time these foolish neighbors are looking for a place to live, they’ll choose an area that does not accept pets. Then perhaps instances like the one depicted in this tragic circumstance wouldn’t happen in the future.

OP had a dog that let everybody meet


He stayed in an apartment with him 


One day the neighbors got scared of the dog though he was not doing anything


OP took Tommy for a walk one day


A formal complaint was filed


The granny and the mother filed a formal complaint


OP asks if he is an a-hole for this?

Below are the Redditor’s comments


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Dog tax

Meet Wrigley, handsome fella.



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