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9 Starbucks Baristas Shared Tales Of Their Most Awful Customers

Starbucks is the most loved coffee place all over the world. People love to start their day with a tall cup of coffee brewed just the way they like with their names written on their coffee cup. Although Starbucks misspell names on the cups almost every time, people still continue to love them for their unique taste and innovative ideas. They have everything on their menu from hot brewed to cold-brewed coffee, even iced teas.


Despite their amazing recipes, people like to customize their drinks. Some like their coffee to be topped with 4 pumps of caramel syrup and some want an extra intense flavor of coffee with 20 shots of espresso. Sound unrealistic, but it’s true that some people have no regard for their health. Excess of anything is harmful. Too much sugary beverages and foods can lead to weight gain, higher blood sugar level and heart problems. On the other hand, drinking too much coffee also has negative effects on human health, like insomnia, stomach problems, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate. It also leads to many other health problems that people are unaware of and they do not manage their food intake. Starbucks baristas shared stories of their most awful customers and seriously the orders they placed were absolutely absurd. Scroll down to check them out.

Come on! At least he should have tipped.

Wondering if it all fit in one cup…

Whoa! That’s not kick starting your day, rather it is brick starting your day.


Credits: BF

The dentist would see you now.


Credits: BF

There is too much to remember.


Credits: BF

Good lord! It’s too much sugar.


Credits: BF

Not sure if this customer ordered tea or just sugar. Hmm…


Credits: BF

Sugar is the root cause of many diseases. It causes, obesity, heart problems, diabetes, acne and in some cases it also causes liver problems. It is understandable that we have a sweet tooth and it is okay to have a dessert once in a while, but consuming sugar on a daily basis is like a slow death. It is better to have some fruits that are naturally sweet instead of using artificial sweeteners. This would not only keep you safe from many diseases but also keep your gut happy and healthy. Wondering when would people start taking their health and fitness seriously. No wonders why half of the United States is obese.

What on earth have you made of your coffee?


Credits: BF

That seems like a fruity dessert.

Credits: BF

This is sick! People should go easy on all that sugar. How do you like your coffee? Let us know in the comments below.


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