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10+ Bizarre Facts From Tumblr That Will Weird You Out

Tumblr can be weird.

After all, it is the place where you go when you’re too ‘weird’ or ‘edgy’ for sites like twitter, Facebook e.t.c. And it certainly shows. From shower thoughts that make you question your whole life to weird facts about history that will blow your mind. Tumblr has it all.


While it may not be as popular as it used to be. There are still a lot of individuals on Tumblr who keep things interesting. So if you’ve gotten tired from reading the usual stories from Reddit, this is the place for you.

You might get a good laugh from these or you might think they are stupid. The only way to find out is to scroll on below and take a look.

#1 The important question is how can a mermaid and a centaur even make an offspring?


This just makes it even weirder.


#2 So if it takes you more than 5 minutes to do your business?


What then? Not everyone is so speedy.


#3 I wonder where they went.


These people who look just like us can’t be their offsprings, obviously.


#4 So did they think he was an animal blinded by colorful lights?

Wow, that took a turn.


#5 It can happen to the best of us.

Sometimes we shoot ourselves in the foot. It’s normal.


#6 It’s not like God is all-seeing and show have known. Right?

Cain is a straight-up gangster.


#7 I did not see that coming.

I imagined it and it’s not pretty.


#8 Everything I am saying is made up. It makes no sense.

#9 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And some people are really into ‘monsters’.


#10 I have no words.

#11 And rally all my friends so they can test it.


#12 There is a reason for the movie Planet of the apes.


#13 Mind blown.

#14 This is what the youth of today is learning.


Mean Girl is an iconic movie and he definitely deserves an A+.

#15 They can keep the ahoy for themselves.


What did you think of these bizarre tidbits? Do you have any similar stories that you wanna share with u? Comment down below and let u know.


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