As the title depicts, it appears like as time passes by, our pets become just like us.
Animals can have a lot more in common with humans than we actually think. Have you ever thought of life without your furry companion by your side? Seems impossible, right? Once you adopt a pet, there’s absolutely no going back. You would want your pet to be around you for the rest of your life. Just like your little siblings would sneak into the fridge and eat your stuff, pets can do that too.
Do you think you are the only one who would sit on the beach and have deep thoughts? Nope, cows can do that too. Did you think that you are the only one who intentionally ruins the Christmas pictures? Nope, dogs can do that too. There are many different examples that will make you realize that animals actually do have a lot more in common with us. Just in case you don’t believe us, we have compiled a list of pictures that will give you all the proofs you need. So, let’s go ahead and check out some of these hilarious pictures!
1. He was told to smile during this picture and…

2. You’re not the only one who looks weird in the selfie camera.

3. Me telling my friend that I’m not sleepy at all. You are.

4. And you thought cows can’t have deep thoughts on the beach?

5. Someone’s trying too hard not to laugh.

6. What do you think about this pose? Do I look better now?

7. When an introvert sees a lot of people.

8. Cake? What cake? I haven’t seen anything. I have been here the entire time.

9. If Steve jobs had a dog.

10. Me waiting for my mom to give me clothes after the shower.

11. I think this would fit perfectly.

12. I look stupid, don’t i?

13. I know exactly what you have been up to, hooman.

14. What makes you think this adorable duo can’t enjoy Netflix?

15. I look absolutely ridiculous.

16. That’s an Italian cat.

17. Mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of all?

18. Have kids, they said. It would be fun, they said.

19. Oh, it’s you again.

20. You are not the only one who enjoys hot showers.
21. When someone I don’t know tries to hug me.
We hope that you enjoyed these posts. Do you see how these animals can have a lot more common with us than we ever thought? You must have many things in common with your pet that you might not have noticed. Or if you have noticed, how about you share some of those similarities with us down in the comments below? We’ll be waiting!