
23 Times People Who Showed Us Something Special In Ordinary Things

How often do you notice your surroundings?

Probably not much, because a majority of us are so caught in our busy lives that we don’t even get the time to notice our surroundings or what nature has to offer. But luckily, there are people who notice these things, and they find something special in these ordinary things that we never even pay attention to. We have compiled a list of pictures that will make you realize that we look at things without even actually looking at them.


A few photographers managed to capture the right shots at the right time and decided to share those incredible pictures with Reddit’s community. Everyone was amazed to see how some of the most common things can become so special only if you are willing to actually “see”. So, without any further ado, let’s go ahead and look at those incredible shots!

1. Ever seen a frog that blends in the concrete? I bet you won’t ever even notice it.

via © SnippingSloths/reddit

“A frog that blends in to the concrete”

2. No, that is not a drawing, it’s coffee.

via © worlds-worst-lurker/reddit

“Spilled a bit of coffee. Came back later to see it looking at me.”

3. A disciplined cat. Must be in the army.

via © aaron-is-d***/reddit

“My boyfriend’s cat frequently sits with all 4 paws aligned.”

4. Alaska Airlines surely knows how to impress their customers.

via © AlfamaN10/reddit

“Pretzel snacks on Alaska Airlines are shaped like little planes.”

5. Whoever’s idea this was, deserves an award!

via © LorenzoCol/reddit

“This packet of pasta has a drawing to gauge the quantity of pasta without a scale.”

6. Such a looooong squash.

via © followthewhiterabbit/reddit

“This extra-long squash!”

7. That is the most comfortable couch I have ever seen.

via © stratosphere1111/reddit

“My friend actually made a comfortable grass couch.”

8. Get your dirty mind off here.

via © Maindrian-Pace/reddit

“My Ritz cracker has a nose.”

9. Would you ever notice your cars vent this close?

via © dopaminer/reddit

“A rodent is storing acorns in my car’s vent.”

10. Take the painting and hang the phone case.

via © YetiPie/reddit

“This painting in a waiting room is the same print as my phone case.”

11. Looks like a bull, doesn’t it?

via © pxland/reddit

“This old weathered piece of wood that had grown around barbed wire when it was alive”

12. The details are just too much.

via © ownemh10/reddit

“The inside of this watermelon bubble gum”

13. So satisfying.

via © ghost_haha/reddit

“The way this table aligns with the street in my local library.”

14. Oranges can also have babies.

via © Hugeclick/reddit

“Found a tiny tangelo in my big tangelo.”

15. Oh, I thought that’s space.

via © StellarStylee/reddit

“The lint spheres that my husband found when he took apart the dryer to repair it.”

16. The guitar died here.

via © DistrictCraft/reddit

“Laundry detergent dripped into a guitar.”

17. So beautiful!

via © Spiderfuzz/reddit

“The way a sunbeam perfectly hit this rubbing alcohol to make it glow”

18. Wow. How are people so creative!?

via © crystalchase21/reddit

“A salt crystal I grew at home”

19. Now that’s what you call a perfect shot.

via © sicknote92/reddit

“This morning my fried egg had a bubble.”

20. Do you have a crack on the table? Just buy this lego figure.

via © Horstmaniacman/reddit

“This LEGO figure repairing part of this LEGO store”

21. Now that is something incredible.

via © Rock23L/reddit

“Icy leaf print left on my windshield this morning”

22. That’s what happens when you notice things too much.

via © undersizedfries/reddit

“Baby Venus Flytraps.”

23. But did you ever pay attention? Nope.

via © eatqqq/reddit

“In mainland China, they place IV fluids on transplanted trees to give them extra nutrition.”

Well, we have reached the end of this post and we hope that you enjoyed it. You must be surprised to see these pictures! Let us know which one of these pictures amused you the most? Feel free to use the comments section below.


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