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21 Wholesome Before And After Photos Of Cats Who Went From The Streets To The Sheets

Only a kind person can adopt an abandoned animal.

Hello, cat lovers! Finally, it’s the weekend and you guys know what time it is. It’s time for our weekly dose of adorable cattos. Weekend is the best time to celebrate cats. It’s the best time when we like reading the heartwarming stories about abandoned animals. Today, we have compiled all the cats who were abandoned and were living a sad life. They were left and abused. Some kind humans rescued them from the streets and now they are living their best lives in their humans’ sheets. They are getting everything they ever deserved. Today’s post is a shout out to all the amazing people who fell in love with these abandoned cats and decided to share their lives with them. We have 21 before and after photos of cats, you will notice a huge difference in these photos. So, scroll down.

1. “Ten years ago today I went for a walk and came home with a kitten.”


Via u/snerdie

Imagine going for a walk and coming back with a kitten. How sweet!

2. Happy Gotcha Day to Melvin. From being a tiny and dirty catto, she turned large and in charge.


Via u/snerdie

3. These guys were found on a long island with a horrible eye infection.


Via u/tired_blonde

4. These guys were rescued and eye infection was also treated. Look at them now.


Via u/tired_blonde

5. They have gotten big and beautiful.


Via u/tired_blonde

6. This guy was found sick, look at his amazing transformation:


Via u/corrinaburks

7. When Theo was adopted:

Via u/nauheedd

8. Theo is almost 1 year and 6 months, he has changed so much since he was adopted.


Via u/nauheedd

9. Handsome Theo looking out through the window:

Via u/nauheedd

10. His jaw was broken in three places and he weighed about 5 lbs.

“Broken jaw in 3 places. Weighed about 5 lbs. Total mess. Official name is Scar. Called name Spanky Spanks Lanky Lanks. (He now weighs a healthy 16 lbs)”


Via u/sexylaurie10

11. His official name was Scar but now is called Spanky, Spanks, Lanky, Lanks. Spanky now weighs 16 lbs.

Via u/sexylaurie10

They say a photo says a million words and these photos speak volumes. We can tell these cats are in charge of their house and no one can do anything until they approve it. These fellas are living their best lives and they have shown some of the best glow-ups. This is how powerful love can be. These girls and guys were tiny and dirty before but love changed them.

12. The day he came home vs. a year after:


Via u/thule222en

13. “Found Tito not doing so hot on the street in Mexico after his mom abandoned him. Got him to a vet and brought him back to the US where my mom adopted him”

Via u/giv-meausername

14. Tito enjoying his best life in his forever home:


Via u/giv-meausername

15. From streets to the sheets:

Via u/giv-meausername

16. Looks like Tito loves sleeping:


Via u/giv-meausername

17. Tiny and dirty when he was adopted.

Via u/Its-A-Wrap

18. He was also shy and would not socialize:


Via u/Its-A-Wrap

19. Look at what he has become now:

Via u/Its-A-Wrap

20. Large and in charge:


Via u/Its-A-Wrap

We hope you enjoyed watching the before and after photos of cats. If you have ever adopted a cat, share your cat’s before and after photos.


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