The time you may spend away from your job is frequently the nicest part of working. Most people view a benefit like a national holiday as essential because working is frequently monotonous, irritating, and takes up much too much of our time.
Unfortunately for some, the senior staff members of the organizations they work for aren’t the majority. At the firm where u/TheLightningCount1 works, a particularly forceful VP made the decision that the IT team they oversaw would have to work on July 4th. Despite persistent resistance, the top executive urged that everyone in the department report to work rather than take a day off. The only exception was a workplace celebration for the employees who had to forfeit their spare time and change their plans. Another senior gave the team manager a free pass on the business credit card, and it’s safe to assume that the staff had the best time possible.
1. Here’s the story of OP whose IT team was called on the 4th of July to the office
2. OP being the leader tried hard to reach the manager but couldn’t;t so he asked everyone that it will be a work from home day
3. But as he did not send the email earlier, he was called in the office that it won’t be work from home and everyone needs to be in the office by all means
4. OP asked the VP if he can have an office party to which he agreed, he informed everybody to come
5. The good thing is the VP asked OP to have a wild party and use the company’s credit card for the party expense
6. One day, everyone was on duty but nobody worked and enjoyed it till 6 pm, the VP called to check in but OP handled
7. everyone got shocked to see the menu because it was not what they expected, there were all kinds of lavish food, everyone was having a great time
8. The god VP himself came with family and joined the party, firecrackers were thrown and everyone enjoyed the food, it was even taken home. The bad VP called but was handled, the good VP said he got OP’s back
9. The other day, the expense report had to be handed over to OP. The party cost over 6k because everything ordered was fancy enough, from BBQ to cakes, everythingwas top-notch
10. The CEO was infuriated not at the party cost but only the IT team working on that day. Later, the bad VP had to send an apology email to OP
11. It all looked so bad for the bad OP and she might was asked to resign as she was not present at work
12. The ostentatious move impressed Redditors which is seen in the comments.
13. Hats off to this man
14. Do you all agree too?
16. This was indeed a great story
17. Exactly, no one deserved to be working on a public holiday, it sucks
18. Some similar story
The employees of r/MaliciousCompliance weren’t ashamed to express how appreciative they were of the supervisor’s ability to treat their workers nicely. Even though the IT crew may have been forced to give up a valuable day off without justification, at least they now have the assurance that someone had their back.