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Blossom, The Foster Kitten, Is Winning Hearts All Over The Internet Because Of Her Smile

I didn’t know cats could smile like this.

You don’t see cats smiling every day. Cats are moody creatures and they only let you know they are in a good mood if they feel like it. But sometimes they pass a smile or two, and it is the most adorable thing you will ever see. Consider yourself lucky if you ever catch a cat smiling. Because usually whenever you see a cat smile, it has a hint of that infamous evil in its eyes. However, this kitty couldn’t be more innocent. Her smile has melted the hearts of many on the Internet so it’s no surprise that the following pictures have gone viral. The cuteness in these images will blow you away. Scroll down below to see the cute little kitty that has the perfect smile.

Source: Instagram

Meet Blossom, the cutest kitty you will ever see.


She might look ecstatic now but her past hasn’t been too kind to her. However, this kitty hasn’t let that stop her from smiling. And it seems her smile was a beautiful way to say thank you to her foster mother Lauren.


When Lauren decided to take a picture of the three Powerpuff Girls, Blossom gave her an adorable smile.


Doesn’t she look so cheeky?


I foster kittens for the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department. These are my Powerpuff Girls: Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. They’re about 5 weeks old now.

Lauren Boutz

Blossom certainly suits her name.


Yes, There is more cuteness overload where that came from.

This kitty has gone viral and her images have amassed over 72K likes and 217K Facebook shares. And this spreading of love doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.


She definitely deserves all the love in the world.

I hope the other Powerpuff girls aren’t jealous.


You never know what star power might bring in other cats.

However, the team seems to be getting along well.


Lauren loves to take pictures of the three Powerpuff girls and posting on Instagram. However, if you’re pets are this adorable, it would be a crime not to do that.


Many people just can’t handle the cuteness.


Honestly? Same.

What do you think of these adorable kittens and their innocent smiles? Don’t forget to share the love with your friends.


What do you think?

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