A Redditor u/NeekaNou shared a interesting story to r/MaliciousCompliance. Neekanou has been facing some difficulties at work due to her pregnancy. They were not happy with her due to her less efficient work, she would miss some days at work because of her pregnancy. Morever Neekanou has a permanent disability for which she has been receiving government support. Sadly the disability also affects her pregnancy negatively and she needs to make certain that the disability does not impact the pregnancy through some special treatment. One day Neekanou missed her day at work, she returned to find her employer demanding that she get a note from her doctor excusing the absence. Now the story is gonna get interesting, as she returned for the note the doctor took pity on her and gave her two weeks off which made the employee really angry. u/NeekaNou provided an edit regarding her bosses reaction:
“Edit: for those who believe she may be concerned for my health. For the last few months, my work environment has been gradually becoming more and more hostile. A specific example is where she ripped me to pieces for not completing a piece of work that wasn’t even due yet. I manage my workload based on due dates. It was not due for another week and I had not been given any notice that the due date had changed. At this point, it has become a regular occurrence where I’m sitting at my computer crying. She may have been concerned for me but I find that difficult to believe with how I’ve been treated the last few months. It is pretty clear to all of us that this employee is not concerned for her health at all, she just wants to be a person who wants everything in their control and according to their will.
Scroll down below to know what happened next. Make sure you watch it till the end otherwise you are gonna miss a lot of fun. We are sure that you are going to get satisfied in the end.
1. This is actually what Karma means
Via Camylla Battani
2. Apparently she is going through a lot
Via u/NeekaNou
3. The boss should have a little empathy for a pregnant lady
Via u/NeekaNou
4. It blew up right in her face
Via u/NeekaNou
5. Where I can find these doctors? They are really cool
Via u/boRP_abc
6. Treat pregnant ladies fairly
Via u/virtual_gnus
7. Here comes the patriots
Via u/NeekaNou
8. Some people supported her and wished her good luck
9. Well someone here is speaking facts right? What do you think about this?
Via u/NeekaNou
10. As you sow, so shall you reap fits perfectly here
Via u/suicide-muggle
11. It’s quite different in U.S
Via u/NeekaNou
Bosses should treat their employees fairly, specially the ladies who are sick and pregnant at a same time. It is not easy for a woman to go to work with a swollen belly. They should have a little empathy towards them. Salute! to all of the pregnant working women out there. Let us know what do you think about this post in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more interesting content. Thank You!.