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19 Cat Comics That Depict How Hysterical Life Is With Cats

The most relatable cat content ever!

Every cat lover knows all the joys and fun of having a pet cat, how much happiness they bring into our lives. Cats are such therapeutic creatures, they are great at cheering up their owners. Everyone is jealous of the person who has a pet cat until they actually get a cat themselves. We all think their lives are a lot more better and fun than ours because they have a cat. You will only understand the patience and sufferings of a pet owner once you get a pet yourself. It is a lesson learned only after the experience.


As much affectionate and charming these little creatures are, they can be very handful and annoying. Having a cat is like you are in an examination hall where they are testing your patience. Vernessa Himmler is an illustrator based in Hamburg, Germany. She started making cat comics after getting inspired by her two cats, Mikosch and Koschka. They are the most relatable cat comics I have ever seen. Keep on scrolling down to see them yourself…

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1. We all have done this at least once with our cat’s fur.

Image Credit: vernessahimmler

2. You can not just have a cat and never do this at least once in your life.


3. They give us mini heart attacks every morning.


4. This is a perfect example of how it is like living with cats.


5. This cat definitely won the challenge.


6. This is so accurate. My cats are a mix of all four of these, it depends on their moods if they want to behave or not.


7. Please, guys, take care of yourself.


8. They can literally eat anything I believe.


9. Please, can someone tell me why they do that to us?


10. But you have to admit that everything is more fun with a cat’s company.


Vanessa is definitely an amazing artist, she has made some really good and relatable comics. I can relate to all of them so far. She said that most of these comics are based on true events. “Sometimes I exaggerate the situations, so it gets funnier.” She also explained how it is like living with two little furry devils that she loves so dearly. “Cats have the appeal of resembling stuffed animals but ask any cat owner what it’s like to own one of these adorable creatures, and they will tell you the reality is not always so cuddly.” We could not agree more. Vanessa has done many amazing works that you can check out on her Instagram page and her website. Keep on scrolling down…

11. Happens with all of us!

12. This is so true. My cat loves scratching the carpet and chewing the headphone wires.


13. Very majestic, indeed.

14. Oh, my God! I thought it only happened to me!


15. This happens every time, I bet they do it on purpose.

16. This is the story of every cat owner’s life.


17. Oh, cats love boxes. I will never understand why but they do.

18. I would rather have cats who destroy everything thing in my house than live a life without their sweet existence.


19. I have a multicolored cat, I can totally relate to this.

I love how all of these are very really accurate and super relatable. I thought only I experienced these annoying and weird situations with my cats, glad to know we all are in this together. What is the weirdest thing your cat has done? Share with us in the comments down below…


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