Even healthy, content cats have a tendency to be erratic and peculiar in many ways. Your pet cat may be chilling and purring on your lap one second, but it may be robbing your neighbors of their possessions the next.
Don’t rely just on my word, though. These creatures can be incredibly unpredictable and adventurous, as evidenced by the entire subreddit dedicated to their shockingly humorous behavior. “What’s Wrong With Your Cat?” is the title. 583,000 people are part of the online community, and they frequently post clips of their pets’ “malfunctions.”Check out the most recent ones by scrolling below, and see our earlier articles on the subreddit here, here, and here for older (but still excellent) content. Don’t forget to watch the interview we did with cat expert Lucy Hoile, a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviorist (CCAB)! It can be found scattered among the images. Scroll down to have a dose of laughter.
#1 Whenever We Turn A Fan Or Air Filter On Our Little Girl Goes And Sits Right In Front Of It And Makes Her ‘Fan Face’
#2 I will scream out loud if I see this in the night
Whether we like it or not, our furry friends probably believe we’re just as odd as we make them out to be, according to cat behaviourist Lucy Hoile, who runs an outstanding Facebook page where she posts entertaining and educational cat-related information.
“Changes in human lifestyles that seem normal to us (such as moving into a different house or a partner moving in) can completely unsettle a cat,” Hoile told the page.
“They appreciate a predictable routine and fit their activities in around us, often waking up with us in the morning or when we come home from work.”
#3 Cosmo (Office Cat). Spent Days Only In The Sink. Took Him To The Vet. Vet Said He’s In The Sink Constantly “Because He’s A Cat”
#4 My Cat Likes To Sleep In A Perfectly Straight Line
#4 My Cat Staring At A Piece Of Rice
Some think that because cats evolved as solitary hunters with little need to detect social signs, particularly those for behaviour modification, they are difficult to train and that this is what always separates humans and cats. Hoile disagrees with this assertion, believing that with a few extra factors, cats may be trained just as simply as dogs (or any other animal).
“Training with rewards is most effective with cats, they will rarely do something for nothing! The tricky part is finding something motivating enough to use as the reward; it’s got to be worth it!” she explained.
“Smelly food usually works well e.g. small amounts of chicken or tuna. Training sessions should be short, as they can lose interest quickly and sessions should be split into small, easily achievable steps.”
#6 Where is my Food?
#7 Have you even seen a kitty who can bend 90 Degrees?
#8 Cat So Lazy A Spider Built A Web Between Her Ears
I’d call it “energy efficient” and pet friendly.
#9 I can feel you dear friend
Additionally, keep in mind that every cat is unique. And we still don’t fully understand the reasons why. But we’re making progress! For instance, a recent study by scientists at Azabu University in Japan hypothesises that the gut microbiomes of cats and chemicals like cortisol, oxytocin, and testosterone may be responsible for certain felines’ social behaviour and others’ lack thereof.
15 shelter animals were divided into groups by the researchers, who then kept five random cats in three 13 by 25 foot rooms for two weeks. In addition to collecting urine and faeces to measure the hormones and microbiological species present, they also employed video cameras to record the cats’ behaviour during this time.
#10 Every Single Day I Think I Can’t Possibly Get A Funnier Picture Of Her. Every Single Day She Proves Me Wrong
#11 I told you I can fit in there
#12 Sometimes
Kitty getting into delta. Yes, a giant glass of water, please.
#13 Throwing His Socks On The Floor is his new hobby that we are discovering
They discovered that whereas cats with lower levels of cortisol and testosterone were more social, cats with greater concentrations of cortisol and testosterone exhibited fewer social behaviours such grooming, sharing food, or sniffing. Additionally, cats with similar microbiomes interacted more frequently, while those with greater testosterone levels attempted to flee more frequently.
#14 Not Only Did He Steal The Vet’s Chair, He Had To Make A Face As Well
#15 She’s A Scarf
#16 Am Cat. But Sometimes Wonder… Why Am Cat?
#17 Searched The Whole House For Her, Found This
However, because the cats were of different or unknown ages and backgrounds, “we do not consider our results to be applicable to all cat groups,” Hikari Koyasu, lead author from Azabu University, told Inverse.
Future research should look into how factors like growing up as juveniles and changes in environmental conditions affect social behaviors. And though the study showed correlations between hormones and behaviors, correlation doesn’t always mean causation. The authors of the study highlighted that research conducted over a longer period of time may be required to provide “more comprehensive information.”
#18 No One Taught Her How To Use The Chair
#19 I Feel Like I Interrupted Something
#20 Instant Regret
#21 Fred Having An Existential Crisis
Cat: “Roses are red and violets are blue Karen why did you leave me what did I do”
Sometimes, however, there really can be something wrong with your cat. Like when it’s so darn hot! So we have to do our best to protect them and ensure a comfortable environment all year long.
“Provide plenty of fresh water in several different ways to encourage drinking and keep them hydrated,” feline behaviorist Lucy Hoile suggested. “Some like flowing water, others prefer drinking from shallow dishes or tall glasses.”
#22 Chestnuts Roasting Over An Open Fire
#23 He Yells everyday at anything
#24 GF’s Cat Is Having Some… Thoughts?
#25 Can you notice the Long Leggies?
“For cats with outside access, plenty of shady areas help them keep out of the hot sun. Inside, provide objects to keep them cool such as ice cubes in a tray for them to bat or lick and cooling mats for them to sleep on,” Hoile continued. “For long-haired cats, keep on top of grooming and apply pet-safe sunblock to the ears of cats with paler coats.”
They’ll undoubtedly come up with a means to say thanks to their human worker!
#26 She Found The Catnip Plant, Ate Dirt And Didn‘T Stop There
#27 An Interesting Pair to be with in the house
#28 The face you make when your system is rebooting
#29 Some Heads Are Gonna Roll
#30 I don’t know what’s happening in this picture
Share your thoughts on these hilarious pictures? We hope that your day is already better. Stay tuned for more wholesome content.
A dark void filled with teef and ultimate doom.