Every company needs office pets.
I understand that offices don’t allow you to bring your pets because we wouldn’t be able to work or do anything if our cat just wants cuddles. But it has been proven that pets help with stress and that is definitely needed at every workplace. So it is no surprise that one company decided to adopt two kittens just for their office. And to top it all off, they named the kitties Debit and Credit respectively.
They’re quite a bit older now than when they were adopted. Not only that but they also have an Instagram which is more popular than most people’s Instagrams. The office employees post photos of the kitties on the page semi-regularly and you will always find them coming in and out of boxes. You can take a look at some of the most adorable pictures of Debit and Credit by scrolling below.
Source: Instagram
These are Debit and Credit when they were first adopted.
And they like to distract everyone from work.
They also really like boxes which are abundant in most office places.
They don’t even need a bed to be comfortable.
And they also like to use employees’ arms as a pillow.
They are growing up quite fast as we can all see.
Right here we have a cat burrito trying to keep warm.
Pets can not only reduce stress but surprisingly enough, they can also increase productivity so there is no point in not getting a pet just for your office. While these kitties stay in the office every day, the employees visit the office on weekdays to play and pamper them as well. Did I mention that they have over 48k followers on Instagram? And I all started when one Employee shared their shenanigans on Reddit.
While this sounds like a dream come true for most people. We have to remember that not every company can do this since some people might not like pets or they might be allergic to one. So the idea is sound but it isn’t for everyone.
They also have name tags like every other employee.
Credit is quite lazy but the looks of it.
And Debit evidently always wants pets from everyone.
The company has even put cat trees so they are always comfortable.
They are clearly living the good life at the office.
And they have an abundance of laps to sleep on as well.
Just look at Credit here trying to stand tall.
They also love each other dearly.
Credit also seems to be into Fashion.
Cats also don’t need a TV as long as they have a window to the outside.
Does your office have a pet? If not do you think you would like to have one or would that be too distracting when you’re working? Comment down below to let us know.