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40 Pictures Of Cats Showing Their Claw Weapons AKA The “Murder Mittens”

Cats are supposed to be hunters.

And they are able to hunt smaller animals. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t the cutest predator around. Sure they might claw your eyes out but that is worth it at the end of the day. And that is exactly the thinking behind this particular Subreddit known as ‘M*rder Mittens’. If you can’t already guess it is all about pictures of cats claws and kitties trying to look dangerous. However, no matter how hard they try, they just end up looking even more adorable.

Sure, we might all be a little bit scared of cats. After all, they’re moody creatures and even when they come up to you for pets, you never know what is going to happen next. They might allow you to pet them but if you steer even a little bit close to their stomach, then your hand may end up looking like a red ribbon. That is just how things are with cats but we wouldn’t have it any other way. And that is exactly the reason why we have decided to compile some of the best pictures of cats trying to look dangerous. Just scroll below to take a look for yourself and enjoy.

Source: Reddit

#1 ‘You can hug me for now, hooman.’


#2 ‘Are you ready for some new scratches?’


#3 ‘Come here, I have to show you something.’


#4 Okay this is just straight up adorable.


#5 When you realize how dangerous you can be.


#6 This is actually pretty scary.


#7 Those sort of look like toothpicks to me.

#8 This is why I always wear glasses before putting my face close to a cat.


#9 ‘You are going to regret leaving me in here.’

#10 This is true love right here.


#11 Just peaked out to say a quick hello.

#12 This is one majestic looking kitty.


#13 Never press the button.

#14 ‘Do you wanna know how I lost my eye?’


#15 This seems like way too many paw pads.

#16 I can almost hear the rawr through the screen.


#17 No cloth is gonna stop this kitty.

#18 This is making my legs hurt.


#19 The claws apparently come out when you sleep.

#20 ‘Put me down or I’ll hurt you.’


While most people do recommend trimming their cat’s claws, declawing is quite unnecessary. I understand that cats can’t really be trained but they can be taught not to hurt you in any way. And even when they do scratch you it isn’t on purpose. Because for them it is just playfighting and they don’t understand that humans have more sensitive skin and thus we get bruised easily.

#21 Only a threat for now.

#22 ‘This is mine now.’


#23 ‘No, you can’t touch my baby.’

#24 We have surprise claws right here.


#25 ‘I wonder if I can hurt humans with these weapons.’

#26 ‘Hold me right now!’


#27 ‘Your hand is mine now.’

#28 The ears look adorable here.


#29 ‘So are you going to give me food now?’

#30 Just look at the sharpness!


#31 This little baby is still learning.

#32 When your cat is kneading but it hurts.


#33 At least he isn’t biting.

#34 He may look adorable but he can’t cut a human in seconds.


#35 Peek-a-boo.

#36 ‘Put me down right now!’


#37 This is a squeal-worthy image right here.

#38 ‘Did you hear that noise?’


#39 When you get caught red-handed.

#40 Last but not least, we have this cutie right here!


When does your cat show their claws? Let us know in the comments below as we always love to read your comments. And don’t forget to share these pictures with your friends so they can enjoy some kitty content as well.


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