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CEO Pushes Young Employee For More Productivity, He Followed And Makes Him Eat His Words

Honestly! Not everyone is meant to be a manager. While some of the managers are true examples of leaders and mentors, some of them are just awful. They have absolutely no regard for others! And we are certain, this will not be the very first time you will be reading about a maniacal manager. Some of the managers really need to check themselves for their looney behaviors.

Underestimating the importance of relationships within the workplace is the most awful thing a manager can do. No matter how hard-working the employees are, how much effort they put for the profit of the organization, and how late sitting they do, all of these efforts go unnoticed and are not appreciated.

Here’s an example of what an employee has experienced in his workplace. Scroll down to see the weirdo behaviors of this manager!

Becoming work buddies.

Via u/sir-corn

It’s not wrong to say; “Age is just a number”. In many organizations, we see many colleagues being buddies no matter what age and level they are at. It’s the beauty of working in an office. Open offices are more privileged. Employees get to interact with each other openly.

A place with no management layer.

Via u/sir-corn

One advantage of an open area is, everyone is interlinked. We see buddies interacting everywhere, and it’s quite rewarding. This way improves productivity and is the best way for managing knowledge within the organization. But sometimes, the employees face consequences for making noise just like this employee.

Asking buddies to keep noise level down.

Via u/sir-corn

We’ve all been there! When a manager has asked us to keep it down. Though it’s not so wrong to interact with your colleagues, it does get a little out of hand, especially at a place like this which seems a little too open. It’s quite understandable! But how about you pass on the message yourself Mr.manager/ CEO!

A man with a deep voice

Via u/sir-corn

Having deep noise is not in anyone’s control. But, to keep the pitch and tone low, is in our control. But this all just seems like a hostile school environment. If I were in his place, I would’ve started acting like a rebel in their teen years because come on, who does that? Separating everybody? That’s like so old school!

This guy is now completely isolated.

Via u/sir-corn

One perfect example of malicious compliance. The employee doesn’t care about the world, he just needs to complete his work within the working hours without any disturbance. Hindrance is what needs to be avoided while working to increase productivity. You reap what you sow Mr. CEO.

More productivity might backfire.

Via u/sir-corn

No matter how hardworking you are, how much time you invest in the company, and how productive you are, there’s always room for complaint by the managers. Just like this employee, who worked his butt off during the working hour, the manager didn’t appreciate his work.

We see many similar examples around us. Employees are not appreciated for making friends within the organization. Now, people think that open offices suck. Why? because of the maniacal and loony behavior of their managers.

What similar experience have you had in your organization? Let us know in the comments section below!


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