Hello there! Are you a pet lover? Yes, we are talking about you. We’d want to know what makes you laugh or grin. How about an internet meme or a series of witty canine or feline puns? There is no better place for you if you are an animal lover and enjoy watching their stories and seeing hilarious photos. That’s why we’re back with a new bunch of endearing pooches to brighten your day.
We know how exhausting some days can be, but no worries!. If you’re having a bad day today, we’re here to help. You know, if there’s one thing that makes us happier, is the presence of our fluffies and kind-hearted animals! All day, every day, our hearts are racing for these gorgeous paws and adorable cute tiny faces.
So, why not just scroll down and enjoy watching these aww-dorable photos of tiny creatures to lift up our moods today. Have fun!
1. It seems like this pup needs a belly rub.

“I came downstairs to my 80-pound German Shepherd watching Bob’s Burgers. I’ve never been prouder.”
2. Aww! that smile is everything.

“My pup that can’t move got her wheelchair today. Check out that smile!”
3. Hey Hooman, do you like mah new hat?

“Hmm…am I a boxer now?”
4. This dog can’t wait to see his owner after a long day. Adorable!!

“OMG, you’re home from college!”
5. Have you ever seen someone so happy?

6. Ever witnessed such a pure and sheer joy?

7. Finding tennis balls under the couch has made this dog’s day.

“Pretzel found 2 tennis balls under the couch. He seems pretty proud of himself.”
This pup’s owner should hide these balls randomly all over the house to make him happy. We have seen so many little babies enjoying finding random stuff in the house that we couldn’t even find after searching so many times.
8. He’s so overjoyed after finding his new home and hooman.

“I found this good little boy abandoned in a ditch near my farm. We needed a guard dog and he’s happy to have his own dog house and to be fed.”
9. Le Dog: “Hey Hooman, take a picture of me with my new buddies.”

“My dog (left) loves to spend time at the doggy daycare.”
10. When your parents ask you your favorite ice-cream flavor.

“The most beautiful boy in the world!”
Do you know, there are around 450 distinct dog breeds in this universe. We are sure you have heard about some dog breeds like German Shepherds, mostly known breed in this world and can be found around the world, or the Slovak Chuvach that can only be found in one specific location or country.
Anyways, all these four legged babies have one thing in common, and that’s their loyalty and true friendship. Yes! these babies have the most pure heart and soul. There is also the fact that they are able to smile exactly like we are.
Have more fun by scrolling down and enjoy these aww-dorable photos:
11. Someone seems to be so shy.

“My girlfriend kissed him on the head.”
12. It looks like this tiny pup is happy with the new haircut.

“Mr. Tank is so proud of his haircut and tie!”
13. Wow! This baby is the epitome of strength and power.

“Her first smile when she got home after beating cancer”
14. Someone please give this tiny cutie-pie a sweet treat. BTW it’s a winning smile.

“When will you give me that wonderful apple slice?”
15. A Dramatic Poser!!

“Puedo was so happy that everybody was home and that the weather was so nice.”
16. The face you make when someone gives you candy twice a day.

“First smile after their adoption”
17. This dog-tor can make everyone healthy and feel good.

“My friend is fighting a serious illness and has been stuck in the hospital. This is his Dogtor, Loki.”
18. Hey Hooman, you forgot something today..

“He gets his bedtime treat at 9:30 p.m. It’s now 9:35 p.m. and he’s worried that I’ve forgotten.”
19. A Happy Fluffy Face!

“He smiles all the time.”
20. Meet these two lovely doggos twinning together.

“Our dog met her sister and I can’t tell which is which.”
21. This fluffy baby is having a lovely dream, or perhaps a dream of sweet goodies and treats.

“My dog smiles in her sleep.”
22. Those expressions tho!

23. Sometimes all you need is a fresh air and peace.

24. This smile will surely melt your heart today.

“His smile literally melts me.”
25. Lights, Camera, Action!!!

“We had some professional shots taken of our dog.”
26. A Lovely and Happy Doggo Loaf!!

“My dog likes to sit with his arms folded like a cat.”
27. A Peaceful Nap!


“Press to activate the smile.”
29. Smile Please!!

“Why do some dogs look so good in photos? It’s impossible to make my dog pose.”
Loved these photos? If yes, do share your favorite compiled picture in the comment section below.