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30 Pics Of Chonkiest Cats That Are Absolute Units

Chunky cats are the cutest.

I mean have you ever looked at a fat kitty and not loved their little paws wobbling about? They look too adorable to exist. However, I am not at all saying that it is healthy for a cat to be this fat even though they look cute enough to eat. That is where Manggo comes in. She has unsurprisingly gone viral. Why did she go viral do you ask? Well, you will soon learn the reason as you gaze upon her hilarious expressions.

Although you don’t have to worry about her health as her family is already on it. And she is what is known as a diet cat. And even though cats may not like to be on diets, it is sometimes necessary for them to have a long and healthy life. And Manggo’s owners know this quite well. However, we are here to see why her facial expressions have made her into a superstar. Just scroll below to take a look for yourself.

Source: Instagram

#1 She is looking a bit angry here.


#2 ‘More treats please.’


#3 ‘How do I get up?’


#4 This is what we call a purebread cat.


#5 She is not happy with the scratches.


#6 ‘Do I look cute?’


#7 Look at the contentment on her face.

#8 Now we have two chunky cats.


#9 Okay, this is truly adorable.

#10 When you need to stretch.


#11 Be careful or no eyes would be left.

#12 Look at how happy she is!


#13 She is not happy with what she sees in the mirror.

#14 The Queen is here.


#15 ‘Why is this not a real shrimp?’

Honestly cats have such a bad reputation when it comes to them have no emotions or not being loving. But that is absolutely not true. People just expect cats to act like dogs when that is not possible. They show their affection in different ways and we need to pay closer attention to them.

So even when it looks like they are ignoring you and just staring at your from far away, they might just be curious as to what you are doing. And they don’t constantly like to be petted as they are a bit more independant than many other pets.

#16 ‘What is that?’


#17 ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

#18 That is the expression every cat gets when you scratch under their chin.


#19 ‘Don’t look at her!’

#20 The anger is strong in this one.


#21 She is never gonna let go of her favourite toy.

#22 She is ready to hunt.


#23 The sleepy baby looks adorable.

#24 Is that a litter box?


#25 ‘Let me take care of you.’

#26 What is she plotting, I wonder?


#27 ‘All of the toys are mine.’

#28 Is that her couch?


#29 Last but not least, the happy

What sort of expressions does your cat make? Comment down below and let us know.


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