People’s fashion taste can be suspect.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe wearing a little hat clip on my head is cool, but in my defence, I would never be found wearing a shirt with questionable statements on it. Mistranslations and jumbled quotes are one thing, but these were definitely intentional. Some are more shocking than others, but they always leave you with one key question. ‘Why?’
I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that. I have no idea what was going through these people’s heads or why they felt it was a good idea to wear a shirt that said legalising marriage between a son and his mother. All I can say is that these clothes are cursed, and because I had to force myself to look through them, you must suffer the same punishment and gaze at them as well.
So, instead of hovering over the cross, scroll down to witness these nightmares.
#1 if you do end up with an elephant in your womb, please go to the doctor.
His other fashion choices are…..’bold’ as well.
#2 I know a lot of old ladies who would disagree with this statement.
#3 Where can I find this shirt? I need it for scientific purposes.
Though if a person is close enough to read this, it is already too late for me.
#4 I bet a lot of people can relate to this one.
#5 This is a person who really likes cheese.
#6 This is sad but true.
#7 That stare is scaring me more than the shirt.
#8 I can never look at Mickey Mouse the same way ever again.
#9 Now that is a threat that needs to be taken seriously.
#10 So get your mind out of the gutter.
#11 I wonder what the secret chord was.
#12 This is a person who has given up on life.
#13 Someone who knows none of these fandoms created it.
#14 Wait, people do that?
Do they want talcum powder mixed in with their substance?
#15 Eyebrows do help us decipher emotions on other people’s faces.
That is why shaving them is an excellent idea so no one ever knows what you are thinking about.
#16 Who even made this shirt?
And were they high when they thought of this idea?
#17 The beets bring all the boys to the yard.
#18 This is not how you convince your Father.
#19 Begone!
To be fair, November has already passed so…
#20 It is always a slip.
#21 Preach!
#22 A first, this looked like an advertisement for Dr Pepper then I saw the last line.
#23 That is my greatest weapon of mine. It is more potent than a knife.
#24 Becoming someone’s dinner might be my highest achievement.
#25 Not a bad deal.
#26 Cupid apparently enjoys it a lot as well.
#27 My only hope is that this person cannot read.
#28 Marlboro would be proud.
#29 Still better than what I get every time I start a YouTube video.
What do you think of these shirts? Would you ever wear one of these unironically? And what do you think these people thought when they put on these clothes? Was it perhaps a dare for them? Let us know what you think in the comments, and don’t forget to share these images with your friends so they can suffer the same fate as you.