Always takes a pro to blend dark humor with light humor.
Comics have been around us for a very long time. It’s these magazines or strips that present different types of stories. Mainly, the genre of comics, in general, are adventure, horror, romance, etc. One of the most famous comic series out there is Marvel Comics. The first-ever Marvel Comic was published in 1939, and they still come out to date, and there’s a huge demand for them.
But not many had the capacity to publish their comics. Today, that has changed. In today’s contemporary world, we have got social media. Sharing or publishing is no harder than wearing clothes. And it’s a great thing for comic writers. Along with the technological advancements in arts, artists are now using digital art to create comics, which makes the whole experience more fun and immersive.
Comics or comic books usually follow a similar storyline and the end is kind of easier to predict before even reaching there. But some artists have the creative mind to come up with extremely unpredictable comics. And one of those artists is Raph, who lives in Melbourne, Australia.
The unpredictability comes from the way he ends his comics on a note that nobody expects. And, his comics have a slightly dark nature, if I am being honest, but he has a genuine ability to make them funny, and the end result is very hilarious.
Time for you guys to be the judges of his work. Scroll down below to see some of Raph’s creations.
More information: | Instagram | Website |
1. Kill em’ with kindness.
2. A realization that will change everything for the kid.
3. The ocean was busy gathering his mates.
4. Why do these thoughts always have to come at night?
5. Future ain’t healthy.
6. *angel slowly loses hope in humanity and drowns in disappointment*
7. A master plan.
8. You’re horrible if you laugh at this. Looks like we’re all horrible.
Now how am I supposed to write just after coming from that comic at number 8? I think Raph planned it all and wants us to go to hell. Nah, I’m kidding. It’s actually amazing how all this feels so seamless and absolutely hilarious. His ability to turn any normal situation into a hilarious story is unparalleled to anyone I have ever seen. Great job, sir.
In an interview with the Bored Panda, upon being asked about his inspiration to create such comics, the Melbourne-based comic artist said, “It makes me feel alive, mostly. Who are you if you’re not actively creating and putting out your thoughts and expressions into the world? Or so I think, maybe it’s the likes and the dopamine rush.”
Scroll down below for some more laughter.
9. Not with that sort of mass.
10. Well played, Mr. Alien.
11. “Boss, I think we’re better off without him.”
12. Well, at least our solar system cares for each other.
13. There, there now. She loves you.
14. Needle in a haystack.
15. In a parallel universe.
16. We’re sorry, your patient lives.
What a guy, Raph! Honestly, he’s the best. Not everyone is blessed with such a level of creativity and abilities. He probably just sits and lets his imagination create all this goodness for him. We loved every single comic, and it is really hard to choose the best. He’s done one thing very successfully and that is bringing out the evil within us.
We hope you guys enjoyed and had a very good laugh because it was only hysterical laughs and tears when I was compiling this. Feel free to share your feelings in the comments down below.