You probably are smarter than others if you find humor even in the darkest of times a person can go through. People who appreciate dark humor, see or perceive even the bleakest times of life in a lighter way which isn’t very common. Such people have been found to be less aggressive and negative.
Anybody can have the sense to crack jokes about brighter things but what actually makes a difference is finding something to laugh at in the darkest hour. It takes courage! No matter how gruesome the subject may be, finding hilarity at such a topic is surely a Genius! A little sick, too, maybe, but well everybody has a different perspective. And different coping mechanisms.
We’ve gathered a compilation of comics where the artist, Mr. Lovenstein, has enlightened its viewers with unlit moments of life with a perfect blend of humor. If you’re someone who appreciates dark humor, this is surely for you!
1. I overslept, hiding away from the real world
2. I can’t do it
Seems simple. But it isn’t.
3. You’ve seen the world, now it’s my time
4. I am slow enough that even death will eventually get bored of chasing me
Bored or tired. We don’t know.
5. Stress is the new renewable energy resource
The future world will be so LIT!!
6. A priest update, perhaps?
When you’re too obstinate to be left out…
7. Brain, can I have a moment where you’re not ducking up my mind?
8. It wasn’t planned, it just happened
9. How can I be weak, I survive every day…
10. Toxic love
No no, we don’t do that!
11. Everybody needs that affirmation, even the bad guys!
That’s some sweet shit!
12. You asked for it
13. Being alive is much scarier, I am better dead
I can sleep for hours, scare other people and not meet anybody, phew!
14. The awkward humans
Better human than real humans…
15. Still sad
16. Could’ve shaken something better
Shake that booty, it would be better
17. He’s hiding away in the dark pit
18. I can’t believe it’s that time of the life, already
19. So I wouldn’t have to drive off the cliff again and again
Childhood games can be haunting
20. Now let me sign your cast
21. Hey, you remember the painting in the cave, It was made 2 million years ago…
Not that old
22. Yeah, because I’ll have to eat tacos now
23. He’s a better dancer
Even the crabs can dance better than me…
24. It was just a mistake…
You play with pencils, I play with knives but we all make mistakes
25. Story of my life
Dark humor often makes it easy to process intense situations in life such as depression and even death. It helps you embrace difficult situations and deal with them like a man, well, you could be a woman too, of course. Often, the realities of life are kept hidden as they’re considered dingy but I think dark humor is an excellent tool for bringing these issues to light. Gives us some actual reality checks as the world isn’t just a fantasy. Sometimes we have to put our big boy/girl pants on and deal with the world, with sarcasm. Ahem! Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.
Keep scrolling. This definitely isn’t the end!
26. A no would make me dead, dead from the inside
27. I’ll make sure you don’t live in this town anymore
Ummm, that escalated quickly.
28. I’ll rather just be a paper crumble-er
29. Always look onto the brighter side
When you have got a good sense of dark humor
30. I don’t want to human anymore
31. Hugs can be pricey
32. Angry birds
Or eat a cookie or two later.
33. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger…
34. What about the demons, inside?
Go grab fries for nurturing him.
35. Now, it all makes sense!
36. Feed it and make it bigger
37. Can I please sleep? Just five more minutes, I promise
Never mind, we’ll just turn my life around tomorrow, maybe.
38. I see myself there and then *says the writer of the blog*
A writer’s nightmare
39. Every penny counts
Not that rich to be generous
40. Wander = wonder = OVERTHINK
I think coming out into nature wasn’t a good idea, after all, I could have stayed in the bed and watched T.V the whole day
41. I’ll think over it for the next five years too…
42. Hate is just another way of holding on
43. Plans are made to cancel
Hanging out just fine
44. I am a magician, not a God
45. Toxic parenting
I still have marks on my soul
46. I’ll be there no matter what it takes
47. We’ll play guns and roses, it’ll make you feel better for sure
except for there are no roses in the game
48. BU… But I didn’t even say something yet…
I know I am crap
49. That’s awesome!
You’re a tough eye-man
50. At a snail’s pace
He’s a Cheetah, he can RUN!
The web is flooding with memes and comics made over common insecurities. Often even the people creating these memes, suffer from such insecurities. However, they find a way out to brush them off and create jokes about them. There are some people which would find this humor cruel but trust me there are folks out there who get motivation from such content.
Death, depression, and aging are components of life, they assure you that you’re living not just passing time. Not talking about these points wouldn’t help anyone out of it rather send them in denial. However, highlighting them would make people accept them in a manner that is less painful and hurting.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say ‘dark humor is evil at its best’ expressed in a lighter mood. Emotional dilemmas can be hard to bear, but yet again it’s what makes you stronger. Comics illustrating humor about such emotional dilemmas are ‘my type’ I believe they project emotional strength.
Which one stood out for you or to which one you could relate, the most? Do let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family!