Being self-assured is generally a good thing, but these entitled folks have taken it to a whole new level. One online user described how they watched a couple complaining about a delayed order to a waiter who was assisting a customer suffering from a heart attack while sharing their tales of the most absurd scenarios they’ve come across. A woman canceled a meeting after her suitor requested help picking a venue, and another expressed her outrage after being asked to pay half the tab on the first date. So, if you ever come across these people, don’t forget to tell them to straighten out their lives. Otherwise, you may find that their entitlement will only worsen in the coming years.
Don’t forget to share this on Facebook and Twitter and return to our website for the more great information. Following are the stories of 19 entled people who have no sense of where reality is. You must have a hard laugh while reading their cringe content. Don’t forget to scroll till the end.
#1 What is this stupidity?
#2 Well well, some people don’t know what being a man actually is
#3 Who the hell asks for sending them cash on their birthday?
#4 That was actually ridiculously childhood and definitely sounded like entitlement
#5 Okay mate, easy
#6 I just felt so gross reading this, how can a person make such a statement?
#7 You stand in park space and then expect people to not run you over, wow, I must appreciate your genius
#8 What a great way to ask for verification from a big app as Twitter
#9 Okay, we see you
#10 What to do? Have some brains and basic decency and stop asking neighbors to do their chores on your desired time
#11 What a great way to attend a function
#12 She must be going through some mental disorder to pull a stunt like this
#13 Wow, you have the money to buy the whole lassie but do not have manners to follow the timings, bravo!
#14 Hannah knows it all
#15 Stories of privileged people
#16 Have any of you ever listened to a term such as “survivor mode” which entiles you to steal things? No? Me neither
#17 That is such a long note to read
#18 What a great way to ask for invitation, literally ASK
#19 Who gave you the right to do so, Karen? mind your own business
Well, what do you think about these stupid entitled people. Share with us your feedback in the comment section down below. Stay tuned for more fun content.