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Someone Reimagined Dogs As Twilight Characters And It’s Hilariously Spot On

Twitter is the best source of entertainment.

This app called Twitter is providing its audience so much entertainment, people there are always coming up with the most hilarious ideas and jokes that are always going viral, making millions and millions of people’s days a little less stressful. To bring someone joy is the best thing a person can do. That is why we have decided to make you laugh and cheer you up if you are having a bad day by providing you with the most entertaining content we can find on the internet. Luckily, we came across this Twitter user’s account which has us laughing at their unique way of making memes, I must say it is funny and cute at the same time.

If you have ever wondered what twilight characters would look like as dogs, which I do not think anyone could ever think of something like that but even if anyone of you did then today is your day. We are here to fulfil your fantasy of seeing dogs playing as twilight characters as we have come across this hilarious Twitter thread. It is super silly but we love everything dog related and I am sure you will also love these images once you see them. Keep on scrolling down to see them yourself…

1. This is going to be so much fun!


Image Credit: @twilightreborn

2. Same kind of eagerness, no?


3. I can see the similarities.


4. We love the jeep boy more in that picture on the right.


5. Oh, that was scary…


6. Edward Cullen: Dog version.


I am absolutely loving this dog version of the twilight movie, it is absolutely the best animal remake of any other movie I have ever seen. So accurate, so on point. Expressions, actions and all that. I loved all of these pictures, I mean how can people come up with such cool ideas? I love the sense of humor of these people. Who would have thought dogs could copy the cast of twilight and they would look even better than the original cast. Now, I can not help but wonder how great these dogs would look in the movie. Where do I sign the petition to have a twilight dog version made? I would definitely make my whole family and friends watch that movie in cinema with me. No joke.I know you guys are loving these just as much as me and we are happy to tell you that we are only half way through there are so much more to see. Keep on scrolling down below…

7. Oh, no. You did not just-

8. We love the dogs who can do both.


9. Very flexible doggo.

10. The history has repeated itself.


11. Not going to lie, that doggo in little pink dress is looking so much better than that actress.

12. They did not just call Renesmee as ‘Resume’!!!


I can not stop myself from laughing at that last image, my cheeks are hurting! Oh, God, this is the type of entertainment I want to see on a daily basis. This is exactly my type of humor and I am glad I came across this hilarious post, I am glad I got to share it with you guys as well. Which one picture did you find the funniest? Let us know in the comments down below…


What do you think?