These posts went viral for a reason.
I think we are all well aware by now that anything related to adorable pets can go viral on the Internet quite easily. However, this was in the past as the Internet is now filled to the brim with cat and dog videos so something has to be extra special just to get a bit of traction. And that is exactly what we have here. From dogs playing with a chew toy that makes it look like they permanently have a toothy smile to dogs just chilling on their custom-made bed, we have it all here.
So if you came here looking to get your daily fix of adorable dogs, this is the place for you. After all, because of the lockdown people need all the laughs they can get. And that is exactly why we have brought the tweets that went viral over the past year. Each one of these has over 500k likes and we can certainly see why. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.
#1 Fake it till you make it.

#2 Showing off your new puppy is just as important as showing the baby.

#3 Marcelo just wanted to show off his new bracelet.

#4 It is very important to test it by letting your puppy take a nap on it beforehand.

#5 Like a measly net is going to keep this doggo out.

#6 I think we all act like this when we have had a nice spa day.

#7 This dog has made a very unlikely friend but I don’t think the dolphin is complaining.

#8 The dog is slowly swallowing the hooman whole.

#9 Sometimes you need a bit of time to analyze yourself.

#10 Why is it that my bed is an exact replica of this?

#11 I don’t think I even need to comment on this.

#12 Two long-lost siblings find their way to each other.

#13 Just as an aside, dogs don’t need masks and shouldn’t wear one other than as a costume.

#14 This dog will not accept payment for anything. All he wants is cuddles.

#15 We all miss going outside but he will get his wish soon enough.

#16 The waves are ruining this dog’s life, we need to think of a plan.

#17 And last but not least, dogs get the weirdest injuries.

How has your dog dealt with you staying home because of the quarantine? Is he just as happy as the mentioned above or does it get annoying? Let us know in the comments below.