Dogs are adorable creatures.
After all, there is a reason they are called man’s best friend. Now, I am not trying to slight other pets, since they all have their merits. But even I can admit that a dog will give you their unconditional love till the end of his days. And what can be more beautiful than that sentiment?
However, there is a myriad of reasons why people who adore dogs absolutely can’t get one. It might be because of their tight schedule or they might be allergic. Whatever the reason, the only way to get their fill is to scour the Internet. And while that sounds like a great idea, we have already seen most if not all dog memes and everything related to them. That is why today we have some new ones that you might not have laid eyes upon before.
So scroll below and take a look for yourself.
#1 Does the stranger even know she is there? Because I don’t think so.
#2 How was your dog supposed to know that was going to happen?
#3 I’d rather get a puppy phone than an i-phone.
#4 I suppose I’ll just have to change my type then.
#5 The guests look more excited than the actual birthday doggo.
#6 They want to ask you all the questions about your day after all.
#7 This is a whole mood that I can definitely relate to.
#8 Surprisingly enough, this can actually be very comfortable sometimes. Just try it.
#9 It’s probably the mailman’s fault.
#10 So what you are telling me is he met a woodland doggo?
#11 The better question would be when do I not wish for that?
#12 Photoshopped happiness but happiness nonetheless.
#13 This should definitely be a holiday and I officially sanction it.
#14 I don’t think there are enough hearts around them.
#15 ‘How could you cheat on me? I gave you everything.’
#16 But at least they look good while doing it. That is another thing they are better at than humans.
#17 ‘The kibbles are not organic! The manager needs to give me a discount!’
#18 I wouldn’t mind this sort of gatekeeping if I got to play with this cloud.
#19 Beware or you might just fall in love right now.
#20 Nobody matters more than your dog after all.
#21 Sofie’s big doe eyes say it all.
#22 That sounds a little like me and I feel personally attacked by this.
#23 How could he do that to these fine good boi’s?
#24 Their excitement never wanes and that is what makes dogs so special.
What are your thoughts on these magnificent dogs? Do these memes make you wanna adopt one as soon as possible? Comment down below and let us know.