Did you know the majority of household dogs are overweight or obese?
We are not the only ones who gain weight, our four-legged furry friends also go through weight gain. No doubt, fluffy and fat doggos look the cutest but is it healthy for them? No, it is not. Obesity can cause a number of health issues to our good bois and girls. Our all-time active and energetic doggos get lazy and inactive as soon as they get weight. Overweight dogs cannot run as much as a fit doggo will. Fitness is the key and we want our doggos to live healthy and happy lives. Today, we have 30 adorable boys and girls who have lost weight. Their beautiful transformations may inspire you to run to the gym. Scroll down for pets’ glow ups.
1. When your 90-year-old neighbor has not walked her dog in years so you do it for her. We are so proud of the results.
Via: strikeoutsteph
2. Meet Dennis who lost weight with healthy habits:
Via: Dennis’ Legacy
3. What a beautiful transformation:
Via: raabixr
4. Before and after of this baby:
Via: lusealdog
5. A journey from 86.4 lbs to 44.4 lbs.
Via: kalechipsthedog
6. Meet Luna a 2-year-old rescue who lost 10 pounds.
Via: loveOpossum
7. If he can do it, why can not I?
Via: kai100less
8. Meet Shiloh. He was 114 lbs in 2017. He lost weight in 2019 and was 75 lbs.
9. Other dogs and cats are underweight when they are adopted. She was overweight when adopted. She lost one pound in a week and looks so pretty.
10. What a 10 month difference looks like!
Via: dobbie.zeus
From 107 lbs to 82 lbs.
11. Meet Reba. She has lost more than half of her weight in 2 years.
Via: OkieDogDad
12. “One year ago vs. today. 19 lbs vs. 8.2 lbs. Can you believe that’s me?”
Via: suki.angel.baby
It’s hard to recognize that’s the same doggo.
13. “Even my face looks different. I’m definitely a brand new pup”
Via: suki.angel.baby
14. Meet Gracie, she was getting chunky so her owner put her on diet and look at her.
Via: DieJenkins
She looks pawfectly fit.
15. 2016 vs. 2019.
Shiloh’s before and after weight loss. These doggos have been consistent and did not give up. They have been on a diet and in some months, they have shown some awmazing transformations. It’s hard to believe that they are the same doggos but trust us they are the same. Now you know what weight loss can do to you? Overweight doggos can not enjoy life to the fullest and according to research, overweight doggos have a poor quality of life. Scroll down for more!
16. Weight loss journey from June to November.
Via: Wolfgang’s Weight Loss Journey
17. 40 lbs vs. 22 lbs.
Via: funnygal1224
This corgi looks so young after his weight loss.
18. This good boy lost half of his body weight.
Via: CrankyGravy
19. He lost 10 kg in 10 months.
Via: theladydog.shiva
20. Scarlet and Simba’s weight loss journey. In 3 months, Scarlet lost 5 lbs while Simba lost 7 lbs.
Via: scarletnsimba
21. Before and after 3 years.
Via: noahthechubbycorgi
22. Squishy looks great before and after.
Via: builtbyjimmy
23. Meet Kayla, she was addicted to pizza and gained a lot. Now, she has lost 17 kg.
Via: Facebook
24. Meet Duke. He lost 5 kg and now weighs 55 kg.
Via: petfitclub.org.uk
25. What 6 months can do to you:
Via: petfitclub.org.uk
Meet Jack, he went from 20.5 to 14.1 kg.
26. Meet Ruby, she went from 24.2lbs to 15lbs.
Via: rooneygirl420
27. “Shiloh couldn’t walk more than 10 meters before having to stop and rest. 3 months later, she’s lost 30 pounds and can walk over 1 km without stopping!”
Via: mikerich15
Shiloh has beautifully transformed.
28. Before and after one year.
Via: luluthecolliex
29. Meet Nala, she lost 7 lbs.
Via: maggiewaggy
30. Fudge went from 58 kg to 48.8 kg.
Via: petfitclub.org.uk
Obesity is a disease and we do not want our doggos to get sick. So, make sure your doggo loses some weight. We hope you really enjoyed seeing pets’ transformations. Comment down for your favorite doggo and do not forget to share your doggo’s transformation pictures in the comment section.