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27 Stories About The Dumbest Co-Workers Nobody Was Ready For

Making mistakes as a person is quite normal. We frequently make a number of errors each day, whether it be running into a glass door or sending an email to the incorrect client. But on occasion, we could commit a grave error that astounds both us and the people around us.

In a recent post on Reddit, member xk543x posed the question, “What is the worst mistake you’ve seen an inept coworker make?” And there is a tonne of answers in the comments section. We, therefore, decided to compile the best (or worst?) of them. Sincerely, I’m not sure if I should be amazed or dismayed by these individuals.

1. They probably didn’t receive a bonus for raising the stock levels.


2. Seriously, the bulk of crumbs can be removed by just turning most toasters upside down.


3. Also OP´s comment: “Guys come in from all over the country the night before the sales meeting. Everyone hangs out at the hotel bar and drinks too much. He was just hungover…and stupid.”


4. This could’ve been an episode of Air Crash Investigation.


5. Guess they got the point.


6. There’s a special place for this kind of intelligence called graveyard.


7. Seriously, the bulk of crumbs can be removed by just turning most toasters upside down.

8. He was too hot to handle


9. That hurts just from reading

10. Was his name Homer?


11. Old habits die hard.

12. Therefore, everything we touch after washing our hands was touched by that person.


13. Therefore, everything we touch after washing our hands was touched by that person.

14. Using Comic Sans is so unprofessional. No wonder he got fired.


15. Must have been a Beatles fan

16. This company is just as incompetent as the employee if there wasn’t a call host present who could have easily turned off his camera, muted his microphone, and even removed him.


17. Why does Jerry still work there? One is left in awe.

18. Nearly, but not quite, as foolish as the two teenage idiots who tried to get high by smoking toxic sumac in a pipe; sure, they perished.


19. He lost it?

20. I would not mind earning that much for a day if I could cover 10 million losses in one go.


21. How’d he last a month?

22. After closing, a tightwad employer insisted that rather than changing a vat of dirty oil I throw ice cubes into it while hot. Supposedly this would cause any particles to rise to the top to be skimmed off. I explained why this was a bad idea then told him to do it himself when he refused to listen. Later he called asking me to come back in and clean the mess.


23. I’m sure that $3000 worth of fertilizer washing into the nearby stream won’t have any negative effects on the ecosystem, so don’t worry.

24. You can recover deleted files in Dropbox with one click.


25. I can smell it now, the burning plastic… ew.

26. The grass is always longer on the other sideee


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