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Husband Made House A Complete Mess While Wife On Vacation, Wife Asks If She’s Overreacting

Living with a messy partner can be a real struggle, making life more challenging with the constant untidiness, scattered belongings, and lack of organization. The frustration amplifies when others witness the chaos and unfairly pass judgment as if it’s our fault. This is exactly what happened to Reddit user u/Houseisafu*kingmess after a three-week vacation. Returning home, she was greeted by a disastrous scene, fearing even her neighbors might report the chaos to the landlord.


The kitchen and living room were a complete mess, with neglected garbage bags, fast food remnants, and dirty clothes scattered everywhere. The neglected dishes were the worst – moldy pans and a mountain of utensils. To make matters worse, OP’s husband unexpectedly brought a military colleague home, exposing the embarrassing state of their house. Feeling humiliated, OP was in tears, questioning if she was overreacting and how to overcome the embarrassment. It was a distressing moment for both OP and her husband, who regretted the unintentional upset caused by the disarray.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Houseisafu*kingmess

1. Let’s find out.


2. OP went on vacation and during the period she was away, he made sure the house turned into a complete mess.


3. The husband turned the house into a warehouse for garbage.


4. The kitchen took the win for being the messiest as OP noticed mold had appeared on the pans.


5. While OP was in the process of cleaning the house, her husband showed up unexpectedly along with his coworker from the military.


6. OP felt extremely embarrassed thinking the stranger would’ve thought the worst of her after looking at the state of the house.


7. OP asked the internet if she overreacted or if her reaction was justified.

This is so unfair to OP. Yes, vacations are all about relaxing and streaming away from all the stress accumulating in life, but the return journey exhausts you and the last thing you want is to return back home only to see it in the state OP did. You want to relax, not start cleaning the entire house when you return home after a 3-week-long vacation. OP’s reaction was justified. It is just that I don’t understand why the stranger entering the house was more concerning for OP than her husband’s act. Like, this should have been about her dealing with his doings, not crying because someone showed up in the dirty house.

Also, OP’s husband works in the military. If there is anyone who I know would be the most organized, it is a person working in the military. So this behavior is quite shocking.

Source: u/Houseisafu*kingmess

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

8. This is what I was thinking. A bit weird.


Via dcolt

9. This person is of the thought that OP does the same when her husband is away. But my argument here is at least she wipes it all clean before he returns. That wasn’t the case here.

Via crossbeats

10. If the husband cared about OP, he would’ve never done this.


Via BooHoo_WhinyB*tch

11. Do you think this needs to be asked? Just leave him.

Via RainyReese

12. OP is a housewife, not a slave.


Via Cheetafierce

13. I wonder how he managed to live in that house with all that garbage around him.

Via thefeelofempty

14. He is a man-child.


Via itsallminenow

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via lokitheneko

Cat tax.

“Dad tried to give me attention. I wasn’t in the mood, clearly.”


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