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Employee Resigned Due To Toxic Work Environment, Toxic Boss Tried Making Deals, Employee Refused

Surviving in a toxic work environment is hard.

Employees need money and this is one reason they try to survive in a toxic work environment. And have you ever thought who creates a toxic work environment? Only a toxic boss can turn a healthy work environment into a toxic work environment. Today, we have a story of an employee who had been working in a company for almost 4 years. The work environment was toxic and OP was just surviving there because he needed money. A new manager joined in to improve the organization and he somehow got the boss fired and became the new boss. This new boss made the work environment even more toxic. OP was doing great work but his toxic boss was not happy with him so he thought to quit the job and he finally did. He gave the three months’ notice and his boss was surprised to know he is leaving. The toxic boss tried making deals but OP refused. Scroll down to get into the complete story.

1. It all happened almost 5 years ago.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

2. OP was working in a super toxic organization. Employees would stay only for some months and the organization put a 3 months notice into everyone’s contract.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

3. OP has worked 4 years in that organization and was doing a lot of additional work in addition to his responsibilities.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

4. A new employee, Rajesh, was hired to improve the division.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

5. Rajesh made the environment more toxic and got Vince fired. He wanted all the employees to spy on each other.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

6. OP found a new job and the new organization was ready to wait for 3 months.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

7. OP told Rajesh that he is quitting and he was pissed. The organization wanted OP to quit right away and pay the company for 2.5 months.

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

8. OP refused and went back and checked the contract again.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

9. The next day, OP stopped doing his additional work and started doing his primary responsibilities very slowly.

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

10. Rajesh would scream at OP in meetings and OP would say nothing but just smirk to his face.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

11. OP was the only one who knew how the old systems work and when they told him to teach it to the new employee, OP just told them that he no longer remembers how they work.

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

12. The organization then tried making another contract with OP but he refused it.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

13. OP’s HR tried twice to make him leave but he made him remember the mutual consent part.

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

14. OP has made some edits.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

15. The company is still working and Rajesh started outsourcing a lot of work from the country where he was originally from.

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

Toxic bosses deserve nothing but pro revenge that makes them realize how big of an idiot they are. Scroll down to read what people think about OP’s story.

16. When employees leave the company, the company is gone.


Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

17. This is what happened after OP left the organization:

Via: Remarkable-Youth-504/ Reddit

We hope you enjoyed reading another employee’s pro-revenge story. If you have any, share with us in the comments section down below!


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