Bad bosses really think they can have it their way.
I literally laugh so hard on these bosses. I mean, have they never come across the infamous subreddit known as Malicious Compliance where we see thousands of stories of bosses trying to rule employees instead of leading them and ending up falling in the very ditch they dig up for their employees? At times it feels like some of them are influenced by the power of that big, comfortable chair that they get to sit on but for the most part, they are all just really dumb and do not have any concept of leadership whatsoever. They think, that no matter what they do has to be complied with because they are the boss. But they don’t really realize that malicious compliance may make them regret every decision they made that got them the superior position of a boss.
In today’s story, we have got a very similar bad boss who denied an employee sick leaves at a time when they needed them the most. After already being bullied away by the boss for years now, the employee finally decided to take a stand and it ultimately resulted in the boss’ Christmas being absolutely ruined. He will definitely remember this one for a long time, and so will we due to the fun of seeing a bad boss being put into their place.
Scroll down below to read what happened!
1. No sick leaves, boss? Compliance coming right your way.
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2. A boss who does not care about his/her employees’ wellbeing is no leader at all.
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3. Can you actually believe that customers that come in, for what like 30 minutes, feel more worried about OP’s health than the actual boss of the shop.
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4. Uh ho. I think we all know where this one is going.
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5. My guy literally went out of his way to drive all the way to the employee’s just to tell them to come to the office.
He stayed outside for 20 whole minutes. It turns out this boss has no self worth either.
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6. Everything about this employee-employer relationship is so wrong.
Would you rather have a sick employee work for you at their 20% or grant them sick leaves to get well, return to work, and perform for you at their 100%? Exactly!
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The system won’t be able to run for long if it continued to exist, that’s for sure. These bad bosses need to be put into their places and that too as quickly as possible. This is the only way they will all realize that just because they have a good chair, doesn’t mean they can do anything. Employees have to take a stand but unfortunately, our own personal issues increase our insecurity related to losing their job and that is why so many employees fail to do anything and just face the wrath of their bad bosses. But not this one, though. This employee took a stand
Let’s see how they did it. Scroll down to continue!
7. A major twist in the tale is incoming.
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8. So the employee has decided to comply with their bad boss but I can sense some maliciousness in there somewhere.
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9. Seems like a pretty hectic job during the festive seasons.
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10. Woah, that’s a lot of bikes. About 9 per day.
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11. Sorry Mr. Asshat but the contract says otherwise.
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12. He didn’t give sick leaves to a deserving sick employee and look what a blunder just took place at the shop. Karma!
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13. Now this is how you are supposed to deal with a bad boss.
Don’t just make them realize their mistakes but also make a benefit out of such situations.
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Here are some comments on the story:
14. Bad boss certainly learned a message.
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15. Exactly my point. Making a sick person work would never result in a productive outcome.
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So, what do you guys have to say about such bosses? Do share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Stay tuned for more!