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Employee Teaches Toxic Manager A Lesson By Maliciously Complying With Their Chaotic Break Schedule

manager kept forgetting my break

If you work a physically or psychologically demanding job, it goes without saying that you must take frequent pauses. (or both). But breaks are necessary; else, work will be miserable for everyone. Don’t you trust me? Consider the following little narrative. One individual once worked for a manager who insisted on denying them breaks since the profit margin appeared more important than their physical and mental health. The employee in response refused to allow the management to leave on time. Yes, that is definitely conceivable, especially if there is malicious compliance.

The breaks, though, were the issue. You see, OP was entitled to a 30-minute break every time they worked a 5-hour (or longer) shift. The manager always replied, “Later, we’re too busy,” when they asked if they might take a break. OP would then complete the entire five hours of work without complaining. Up until they realized they were only being paid for 4.5 of the 5 hours of work they were supposed to be paid for, which meant they never received a break and didn’t gain from working without one.


Expecting a worker to work tirelessly without a break is, if anything, inhumane because even heroes need to relax.



In addition to being rewarding, malevolent compliance also managed to reveal a little amount of wage theft.



The next shift for OP will be for 5 hours, broken up into 4.5 hours of work during operating hours and an additional 30 minutes for cleanup. When the timer struck 7, everyone else left, but OP stuck behind. At this moment, the clock read 4.5 hours, and you know what that implies!




Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

Online users praised the narrative while criticizing the manager, giving the post approximately 22K upvotes on Reddit.






People online were quick to criticize the boss since they were probably committing pay theft during the 30 minutes that were never used for breaks. And what information has to be reported. Others who experienced the boss’s toxicity to varied degrees told similar tales. Work there, you can bet, never lasted very long. Others encouraged OP, saying they “hoped” the employer “didn’t break a sweat” with all the cleaning she had to do. Particularly considering how long she was able to avoid taking a rest. But before you leave, read the surprise we have in store for you in the comment box below, where you can share your thoughts on this instance of malicious compliance.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting defused.


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