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Employees Maliciously Comply With Bad Boss After Going Off The Grid As Soon As Duty Ends

Bad bosses always pick a bone with good employees.

For example, in today’s story, we have got a VP who basically couldn’t stand any employee leaving before their work hours finish, even if it is just a couple of minutes early, even though that employee has completed all his/her work before time.

Reddit user u/Gloglibologna shared a life experience on the subreddit r/MaliciousCompliance in which they told us exactly how to deal with such kind of bad bosses. Their boss would use the medium of email to contact all his employees after hours so OP along with some coworkers decided to mute their email notifications a minute after duty time ends. The whole purpose of this malicious compliance was to let the VP know that rules are made for everyone and that if the employees have to follow them, he has to follow them too.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. OP works a job in the entertainment sector and they often come in a bit late and leave a little early thanks to traffic and the long journey.


Via u/Gloglibologna

2. The VP didn’t like this behavior and asked all employees to strictly comply with their work hours. However, everyone still had to work after office hours, responding to emails and messages.


Via u/Gloglibologna

3. So the employees decided to maliciously comply with the VP’s orders by muting their email notifications right at 5:00 pm so they only work during complete office hours, just as the boss said.


Via u/Gloglibologna

4. That one must’ve hurt the VP.


Via u/Gloglibologna

5. He lost all the after-hour services for making the employees work for those ten extra minutes.


Via u/Gloglibologna

Who puts these people in such high positions? If this VP had any sense, he would’ve never stopped his employees from leaving early because they still ended up working for the shop for hours after their duties ended, As OP mentioned, his duty ends at 5 p.m. but at times it would take him till 7 p.m. working, responding to emails. The boss tried to be cool and it backfired terribly thanks to OP’s malicious compliance with the bad boss’ orders.

The factor that annoys me the most is why don’t these bosses understand that being on bad terms with the employees is not going to get the business anywhere. In order to be successful, you have to acknowledge the efforts of your employees, give them the respect they deserve because they are the most crucial pillar the organization stands on. If they go, the bsiness goes. When will these bad bosses understand this simple formula?

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

6. Employees are well aware of their rights and powers now.


Via u/Gloglibologna

7. And as we saw, he couldn’t complain because he know his employees were complying with exactly what he asked them to do.

Via u/Gloglibologna

8. This is the way of doing it correctly.


Via u/Gloglibologna

9. Boss’ order, OP’s command.

Via u/Gloglibologna

10. The employees really worked as a team.


Via u/Gloglibologna

11. The employees realized they would have to be the change they want to see.

Via u/Gloglibologna


I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!


Via u/nietzsches_madwoman

Dog tax.

“We rescued this little guy two years ago. The doctors say he’s 14 now, but I swear he’s found his inner puppy with us! His name is Roger, and he loves snuggling in the blankets I crochet.”


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