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40 Times People Asked Stupid Questions That Made Everyone Facepalm Really Hard

Stupidity is embedded in our genes.

No matter how sophisticated we believe we are, there will always occur a moment of stupidity that will throw us down right at the place where we belong. But, the fun part is, we will always get up and return to that cool phase of sophistication and the cycle repeats itself. There is no learning here and that’s why human beings are who they are.

I can understand when stupid questions come from little ones. It’s because they are innocent and have all the right to be dumb because at that age if you aren’t dumb then who are you, Steve Jobs? But when adults do the same thing, ask stupid questions, you are left with no option but to facepalm. And sometimes you have to facepalm in hiding because an old person who you really respect asks you a dumb question and you don’t want to offend them by face-palming right in front of it.

Where dumb questions do trigger us, they are also a great source of entertainment and that is why we have made a compilation of solely the most stupid questions ever asked. Scroll down below to enjoy this one!

1. A North American losing it.


Via throwawayventing2018

2. I don’t think the student responded to that. His soul had taken too much damage.


Via BrainPainn

3. Obama is like Cher, Drake, and Rihanna.


Via bjv2001

4. To be fair, Canadians should’ve done a better job naming British Columbia.


Via joceyposse

5. Would save both time and resources.


Via -SkaffenAmtiskaw-

6. Ask me tomorrow if you have time.



7. I have got two of those in my city.

Via Legitimate_Luke

8. Honestly I also thought of the animal until I read the last line.


Via gjhobso

9. She wanted to drive to Alaska.

Via Drewkin13

10. So nice of that person to not assume the “nationality” of the Canadian.


Via billbapapa

11. You have got to be kidding me with this one.

Via ieatpotatoesforlunch

12. Give this person a Nobel prize.


Via synalgo_12

13. No, Maam. We are not and we won’t tell you it is measuring in because you don’t deserve to know.

Via Jamochajon

14. At non elevation.


Via TheFatherIxion

15. Just shove the notes in those tiny holes and they will eventually reach their destination.

Via busykim

16. I want to know what car can take me from Australia to America.


Via ecodrew

17. Someone please give this man some vanilla cherries so they can shut up.

Via [deleted]

18. Yes you can if you switch the numbers and turn 31 into 13.


Via YoungMozartinaGoKar

19. Who is going to tell this person about an organ known as the brain?

Via Doffy-Mingo

20. North-South problem got the better of her.


Via small_big

I actually cannot stop laughing at these. But at the same time, I want to facepalm so badly on every single one of these questions because they are so dumb. Only those who have no brain cells can ask such questions.

21. Isn’t it a shame the person who asked this stupid question has no brain cells?

Via laughing_cat

22. Yeah, he has a filter installed.


Via MelilDeMolihua

23. What even made the customer think of that?

Via Bcause789

24. I feel for the coworker.


Via enfanta

25. Trust me, it was not easy for me to get through this conversation.

Via architectmillenial

26. This American thinks his president will rule the world *ahem* *ahem*


Via dogfobia

27. I would’ve just remained quiet until the girl felt awkward and left.

Via GxRandy

28. Is this for real?


Via noahtherichman

29. She will never ask a question again.

Via MightyBobTheMighty

30. He literally said the word “week” and then asked for the “weekend”. Why?


Via ihatepeasoup

31. Who knows, Maam! Who knows!

Via Draculasmooncannon

32. At 3 o’clock but that’s just my guess.


Via AlexVanderspek94

33. I want to know the response to this one.

Via Victor_Saltzpyre

34. You should’ve said no and enjoyed their reaction.


Via airbenderx

35. Highly offensive and stupid.

Via verigud

36. Why are so many people asking about drives that are not possible?


Via Kilen13

37. No sir, we have smartphones.

Via [deleted]

38. The future of this planet is not in safe hands.


Via Guacaceratops

39. My brain froze for a moment after reading this.

Via jiaco

40. The mom has a lot to know.


Via ThirdWorldPelican

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. After all, sometimes dumbness is good for health. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below and please do let us know if you have ever had a stupid question coming your way.

Stay tuned for more.

Via Kisszegirl

Cat tax.

“This is Zachary. The cat that was stuck in the shelter, that nobody wanted because “he is fat, too old, and has a weird meow.” He is perfect.”


What do you think?