Entitlement is a disease.
I am sure a lot of you who have had an encounter with entitled people in some way or form wonder how the concept of entitlement or where did this concept originate from. I personally think it was a genetic mutation in the first person who showcased entitled behavior and a terribly ballooned ego. And the rest has just been herd behavior. And the community has exponentially expanded ever since.
For those who have been living under a rock or something, entitlement is a phenomenon that blinds the person it engulfs. Their ego inflates to a point that they start believing whatever they say is correct and in so situation are they ever wrong. Such people can easily infuriate anyone even with a 2-minute conversation.
Now that the holidays are upon us, you want to make sure you are as far away as possible from these entitled people because the last thing you want to happen is ruining of your festive spirit owing to their terrible attitude.
Today we are going to take a look at some conversations involving entitled people who almost killed the holiday vibe thanks to their terrible behavior.
Scroll down below to enjoy!
1. How about you take your kids with you? Problem solved.
Via reddit.com
2. This entitled person got given a Christmas tree and they didn’t like it so they want another one. Wow.
Via reddit.com
Via reddit.com
3. Just check out this person’s definition of “necessities”.
Via reddit.com
4. Buy new decorations for her and politely ask them to put the new ones on.
Via reddit.com
5. It was all going well until I read the highlighted portion.
Via reddit.com
6. It was smooth the way they did it but it was also super cringy.
Via reddit.com
7. You know what, I might just get one from a shop and have them build and install it in my house.
Via reddit.com
8. The negotiation skills of an entitled person are so infuriating.
Via reddit.com
9. You are a bad person because you didn’t agree to my price? Where is the logic?
Via reddit.com
10. The way they build the base before hitting with that classic “Can I pay less than half of what you are asking?”
Via reddit.com
Via reddit.com
All I want to know is how these entitled people get this much confidence so say something that is so wrong. I mean, their arguments are so baseless. I personally think they don’t say those things to actually get them, the sole purpose of their actions is to infuriate the person they are engaging with. I am willing to bet on this one.
The aura of these entitled people is so strong even I am getting annoyed, and I am sure you guys are too. The good news, or bad news depending on how you perceive it, is that we are not done with the entitled screenshots yet.
Scroll down below to continue!
11. Hey can please take time out of your busy routine for me to do something for me and that too for free?
Via reddit.com
12. Just check out the confidence of this kid.
Via reddit.com
13. They said “Thanks in advance”. Now everyone will want to do it.
Via reddit.com
14. That “Rude” has me in splits.
Via reddit.com
15. How to deal with an entitled person starting to show their true self 101.
Via reddit.com
16. You have to give it to this person for providing the whole logic and everything.
Via reddit.com
17. He literally just stated the price he wants and the offers he had been getting…and this entitled person offered below everything.
Via reddit.com
18. It is safe to say I am now sick after reading this piece of text and require medical assistance.
Via reddit.com
19. Give it away in the spirit of Christmas. This is a new one.
Via reddit.com
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Stay tuned for more!
Via corgipantz
Dog tax.
“Blitzen is no longer with us, but we had a lot of fun in his life. He was Lt Dan for Halloween in his wheelchair!”