Being child-free is a choice.
One that should not be ridiculed. I am well aware that many people think that woman’s success can only be measured by how successful her marriage is or how well she takes care of kids. And while every choice is valid and we are not here to bash women who are stay-at-home mothers. It isn’t the life that everyone envisions. And rather than making a contest of everything, we as women should support each other and celebrate everyone’s uniqueness.
At least that sounds great in concept but that doesn’t happen in most situations. Everyone is dealing with something and we should never make light of anything that the individual is facing even if it may seem trivial to us. Everyone processes things differently and thus feels emotional on a unique spectrum. That is why we really need to stop hating on women who choose not to have children and those who are stay-at-home moms.
Source: Reddit
This woman is clearly working a hectic job and needs a break once in a while.
And getting tired is a normal thing that we all face.
And nobody should have a monopoly on feeling tired.
Rather than listening to what she was going through, everyone joined in to have a laugh.
Apparently being 30+ is still not grown up.
According to them, you only know what life really is when you have kids.
This obviously made her angry which resulted in her blowing up.
She said some things that might have hurt their emotions.
This also ended up making the whole gathering awkward and many people left.
Some of her ‘friends’ messaged her later as well.
And told her what she did was wrong.
I think this story is a new variation on a decades-long theme, which pits women against each other. There has been a tension between feminists and traditionalists; working moms and stay-at-home moms; tension between breastfeeding moms and moms unable to breastfeed, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be easy for people to fall into a trap of comparing and judging each other, instead of supporting each other. I think this issue of who-is-more-tired is another version of that theme.
I can tell you that everyone suffers in their own way. Some of us are in pain because of our relationships, or our financial standing, or our perceived inadequacies. And some of us are super tired. Judging our suffering never helps, it just makes us feel more inadequate. Judging another’s suffering never helps either, it just creates stress and bad feelings. My wish is that we could hear each other’s concerns and complaints with care and concern, and without comparison, but this is hard to do, especially when we are tired. –Dr. Lise Deguire, a clinical psychologist
However, it really isn’t as simple as that.
Many people in the comments gave this situation the apt name of suffering Olympics.
Some individuals even shared their own situations.
Everyone deals with problems differently.
And we shouldn’t insult anyone.
Whether they are child-free or are a parent of ten kids.
No one is saying that being a parent is easy.
But neither is working.
All of this could have been avoided if they had just been understanding.
Never put others down just to make yourself seem like the best.
Everyone in the comment section was obviously taking her side.
At the end of the day, most people are tired physically, emotionally, or both.
How would you have dealt with this situation? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.