Whether you’re applying for a managerial position at a bank or a cashier position at Taco Bell, professionalism is usually expected from all parties. When you apply for any job, you should portray yourself in a way that convinces the employer that they HAVE to hire you.
18-year-old The worst way possible for Megan Dixon to learn is that life doesn’t always follow protocol and that you’re sometimes probably better off not getting the job. When Megan Dixon applied for a job as a waitress at a steakhouse called Miller and Carter, she was not unlike many other young adults looking to earn money outside of school. However, there was little to no chance she anticipated leaving the interview and receiving a humiliating text message from the manager who interviewed her minutes later.
In fact, she was so shocked to receive the message “it’s a no” from assistant manager Shantel Wesson shortly after leaving the interview that she felt forced to reply and ask why. She inquired as to why, as any rational person would, and was essentially informed that she was too “simple” and overused the word “like.” Wow! In order to give it an extra professional edge, they added a humiliating emoji on top of everything else.
This was the conversation between the girl and her
Megan, understandably, did not like the harsh and demeaning criticism, so she immediately did what the majority of today’s Internet-savvy society does and publicly criticized the restaurant online. Megan was given an interview by the Mirror after her tweet received a lot of attention. She said to them:
The 18-year-old received the text message from Shantel Wesson, the interviewer. We can’t really blame Megan for feeling a little resentful about the whole thing, though. Naturally, the restaurant gave their best effort response and an honest statement:
We can only hope that Megan was still able to come away from the experience in a positive light. She did receive some feedback that may help her prepare for her upcoming interview (perhaps by limiting the use of the word “like”?) And hopefully, the steakhouse discovered how important it is to uphold certain manners when interviewing managers.
We can only hope that Megan was still able to come away from the experience in a favorable light. She did receive some criticism that may help her prepare for her upcoming interview (maybe by limiting the use of the word “like”?) And perhaps the steakhouse discovered how important it is to uphold certain manners while interviewing managers.
What is your take on the story? Do you agree with the behavior that OP showed? What would you do if you were in her situation? Do share your opinion with us. If you want to read more such articles on our website, keep visiting us!
Tiem for wholesome dog tax
This Dog’s name is Cruella and she loves to play with the stick as you can tell by the picture.