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Grandmother Refused To Babysit Her Grandson Unless She Gets Paid For It, Family Drama Ensues

Here is some family drama.

Our life is very meaningful to us and we were all born with a purpose, there is a purpose to everyone’s life. Although it is very difficult and complicated to find the real purpose of our lives. Some find it soon and others spend their lives finding it or they waste their lives running in the wrong directions. Some people prioritize the wrong things. Just like this grandma who prioritized her job over her grandson.

We all can depend on our family and especially our parents because that is what they are for. Parents are the only people in the whole world a child can ask for support and help without hesitation, a child can only trust their parents blindly and they would do anything for their children, at least decent ones do. If you can not ask your family for help, if they would not help you then they should not be considered a family. Keep on scrolling down to read the details about the whole situation…

1. So, the grandma explains why her daughter requested her to babysit her grandson.


Image credit: iri_baker67

2. This is when grandma thought it is the best time to ask her struggling daughter to pay her for looking after her own grandson.


3. Grandma tries to rationalize her demand of getting paid by the hour for babysitting her grandson.


4. Grandma says she is not a daycare even though she loves her grandson.

Now, this is a very weird situation. First of all, the grandma is very inconsiderate and she clearly has no love for that child. I mean, she would not prioritize her job over her grandson if she loved him or maybe she is just those greedy for money type of person. One thing is clear that this woman is not nice or helpful at all. A mother who would demand her own daughter to pay her for babysitting her grandchild is a selfish, unreliable and insensitive person. One can not simply count on that type of person. Imagine how heartbreaking it must be for her daughter to hear her mother making such demands. This somewhat grandma thinks looking after a child, let alone your own daughter’s child, is similar to working for daycare and she claims that she is not a daycare then why does she thinks it is appropriate to ask for money if she is not a daycare. Keep on scrolling down to read the comments of people giving their opinions…

5. I agree with her. It clearly shows she has no love for her daughter.


6. This is just ridiculous.


7. She has a point.

8. There is a way to be polite in every matter.


9. These are facts!

10. That is exactly what I thought.


11. She really does not care for both of them.

12. No one in their senses would do that.


13. It was really a horrible thing to say to your own daughter.

14. This is what decent and considerate people do.


15. I can not imagine my mother saying this to me.

16. She could have just said that she is busy.


17. Someone finally said it.

18. Because this is what family is for. To look after one and other.


19. There is always that one grandparent who does not care for their grandchildren. You are lucky if your grandparents of both sides of the family love you.

During such difficult times, one can only look for their family when in need of help and if you do not even have a supportive family then there is only God for you in this world. What are your opinions on this? Let us know in the comments down below…


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