Bunnies are adorable.
I mean, if you have ever seen a rabbit then you know what I am talking about. Not only are they cute as heck but they also make great pets. Though many people don’t keep them as pets, they are not as high maintenance as you might think. And as long as you are having a good time with your pet, does it really matters what animal it is? That is where Guus comes in. While the usual bunnies we see are tiny adorable creatures, they can grow up to be quite significant as it turns out.
Atleast that is what happened with Guus. He is a giant rabbit living with his family in Amsterdam and acts more like a dog than a bunny. I never even thought that bunnies could get this big but evidently, I was wrong. But you don’t have to be scared off by his size because he also has a big heart to go along with his size and he loves cuddles. He ofcourse has his own Instagram and we have compiled some of our favourite pictures of Guss for you to peruse.
So scroll below to take a look for yourself and enjoy.
Source: Instagram
This is Guus and as you can see he is a giant.
I have to say that he looks quite cuddly.
And he apparently loves going on walks.
He also loves getting cuddles every day and I would do anything to be this woman right now.
He looks more like a giant teddy bear than a living being to me.
As you can see, he is fine while on a leash which is surprising.
And he is also very friendly and gets along well with cats and dogs.
But we also know that he isn’t a big fan of typical rabbit food.
I can understand that judging by his size.
His family absolutely adores him and I can see why.
Well, he was potty trained in about 2-3 weeks. Also, his toilet needs to be cleaned twice a week. We brush him and play with him. But for the rest, it’s just cuddling and enjoying his company. In the morning when I open the door of the living room, he sprints to the back door to go outside. He jumps around and is so happy. After that, he comes back inside for some cuddles on the couch and some snacks. Also during the day, he loves to jump next to you on the couch and seeks attention. A good head rub or cuddle is something he really likes.
Everyone who sees him for the first time is amazed at his size and how friendly he is. It’s easy for kids, and adults but also dogs and cats to be around him. He has such a good personality. When I was young I grew up with dogs. So automatically I asked for a puppy. Since we live in Amsterdam and have a dynamic life, a dog didn’t fit for now. My boyfriend suggested a house bunny. Besides, I thought that bunnies would not be affectionate or cuddly at all, but we still wanted to give it a try. And so Guus came into our lives.
Every day is a blessing. I never thought bunnies were that smart or cute. Every morning when I wake up, I can’t wait to cuddle Guus. He’s a really cute bunny with a big heart and I love him very much. – Danielle
He used to stay in a cage.
But now they let him roam the house freely.
Is it bad that I really want a bunny now?
His giant size just makes it so he is extra cuddly.
And he loves taking naps.
How could someone not fall in love with that face?
It is entirely impossible to say no to this cuddly baby.
He clearly has a great fashion sense as well.
He is two and a half years old now and we hope he stays happy and healthy.
That double chin is really showing up in this picture.
Last but not, a family photo to really bring it all together.
What are your thoughts on this giant furball? Would you ever adopt a bunny? Or do you think they are too much work? Perhaps you already have a rabbit as a pet? If so, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. And don’t forget to share these pictures with your friends to bring some wholesomeness into their life as well.