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People Share Hilarious Ways To Turn The Tables In A Job Interview

Interviews are a necessary evil.

Nobody likes giving an interview but it is a fact of life. Most people would not give an interview if they had a choice but they do not. Taking an interview on the other hand is always more fun. Granted I have never been on the other side of this exchange but it does sound and seem incredibly fun to hold all the power in your hands for once. And while you may be used to the old style of interviewing and employees not asking any questions, the times have changed.

People these days want to know what sort of environment they will be working in and they can’t find that out without asking a few critical questions. And that is where this particular Twitter user comes in. It all started when she asked the Internet to share their personal experiences of their interviews. As you might guess, people had a lot to say about their past experiences. And some people even had a lot of advice to give. So we decided to curate some of the best advice for interviews and shared them right here with you.

So scroll below to take a look for yourself and enjoy. You might even learn something new and useful.

Source: Twitter

#1 Honestly, every employer does this but they give us nothing in return.


#2 That is actually a very good question and one that everybody needs to listen to.


#3 I would have hired this person because they sound confident in their work.


#4 Exactly! What are they going to give to their employees?


#5 Well, if they are going to ask you this question, why shouldn’t you?


#6 I only wish I had known this before I got a job.


#7 I do think most managers will not call back.

#8 Some might even feel disrespected over these innocent questions.


Some people might think that the employee shouldn’t get to ask questions but that is quite dumb. I mean at the end of the day it is all about pay and seeing if you have a future at the particular company. Well, how can we find that out if we don’t ask them these questions?

#9 Why else would someone do a job? For exposure?

#10 They would probably say ‘for the company’ or some other nonsense.


#11 Nobody would rent houses if this was a thing.

#12 It might leave you with a negative impression though.


#13 Everyone should start doing this so this becomes the new normal.

#14 That simple statement told her everything she needed to know about the workplace.


#15 Sometimes the Uno reverse card is needed.

#16 Honestly, why am I not surprised?


What are your thoughts on the opinions these people have? Have you ever asked your employer these sorts of questions? or do you think they will perceive you as rude? Let us know in the comments down below and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can join in the discussion about interviews as well.


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