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Karen Complained That Her Keycard Doesn’t Work, Facility Manager Revoked Her Access

It all needs a smart facility manager to put Karen in her place.

Karens are everywhere, you have to be smart enough to deal with entitled Karens. Some toxic employees have a habit of bitching about everything, they would talk shit about other employees and would try their best to ruin their reputation. People need to keep in their minds that they are not ruining others’ reputation but instead they are putting themselves in trouble. Today, we have a pro revenge story of a Facility Manager who has an entitled Karen at his job. This Karen always complains and bitch about everything. Her new victim was the facility manager. She complained to her boss that her keycard was not working when her keycard was perfectly fine and even she had access to Master card. This facility manager knew exactly how to put this Karen in her place. He did something that made his boss laugh and gave him air high fives. Scroll down for the whole story.


1. OP is the facility manager for a building and everything that happens is his responsibility.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

2. There is a Karen in the building who is a counselor.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

3. OP found Karen bitching to his boss that her keycard was not working either.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

4. Karen was not happy with losing access to the Master keycard.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

5. OP revoked Karen’s status to just her room only.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

6. Be careful with your demand or complaints.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

7. Seeing a Karen takedown makes people happy.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

8. Karen lied because she wanted to ruin the facility manager’s position in front of his boss.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

9. OP said everything with a smile like it was a joke.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

Some people have suggested OP “be careful” as Karen are able to manipulate anything. She could easily turn it into bullying, harassment or anything to get her revenge. Well, OP is smart and knows right how to take care of it. It’s funny how her complaint turned against her. She would have never imagined something like that. Scroll down to read what other people think about this entitled Karen.

10. Rule: Document everything.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

11. Be careful about your demands.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

12. Keycard audits is a pain!


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

13. OP limited Karen’s exposure and people must be thanking him for this.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

14. Did OP open himself to her malicious compliance?


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

15. We hope they don’t find out about you having cards.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

16. Kit = Karen in Training.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

17. First, tell her that it’s fixed, when she finds out that it’s not, she would come back crying.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

18. Karen would not be bugging OP.


Via u/ImThe1Wh0

19. Guilty pleasure when someone thinks they are smart but instead they get themselves in trouble.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

Have you ever met an entitled Karen at your workplace? What have you done to put them in place? Comment down to let us know your thoughts.


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